Master Environmental Engineering

The Institute of Environmental Engineering has identified itself with three global environ­mental engineering challenges to humanity: (1) providing sustainable supply of water, food and energy; (2) reducing environmental pollution with the visions of "zero emissions" and "zero waste"; (3) designing resilient and climate-adapted cities. The Master curriculum trains future experts with the knowledge and skillsets required to solve these (and other) challenges. We do this with state-of-the-art scientific and engineering methods: by develo­ping new pollution treatment technologies, sensing and monitoring methods, creating and applying numerical models, making predictions, analyzing scenarios, and finding “best” solutions to environmental problems for society.

Building on the broad general knowledge gained in the Bachelor's studies, students deepen their knowledge in one of five study directions: urban water management, environ­mental technologies, resource management, water resources management, and river and hydraulic engineering. Hands-on experience is gained through a 1-year Experimental Computer Laboratory, and the acquired problem-solving skills are put to practice in a semester-long Master project, and a 6-month Master's thesis in which independent basic or applied research skills are fostered.

The Master's degree programme is designed for students interested in learning in a broad, interdisciplinary setting, with a focus on quantitative skills, creativity, interest in societal impacts, and communication.


  • Urban Water Management
  • Environmental Technologies
  • Resource Management
  • Water Resources Management
  • River and Hydraulic Engineering

Language of instruction


Credits | duration

120 ECTS | 2 years

Academic title

Master of Science ETH in Environmental Engineering


Sabine Schirrmacher
  • +41 44 633 71 93

ETH Zurich
Departemet of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
HIL E 32.2
8093 Zurich