Master Science Didactics

The natural sciences are of central importance in the Swiss business and research environment. Swiss schools educate children and young people for the world of tomorrow. To equip these young learners for the challenges they will face, teachers are required who have had excellent didactic training in their subjects and who can inspire enthusiasm for science and technology. In the training of these teachers, subject didactics educators with expertise in teaching and learning in the sciences are a significant influencing factor.
Due to the diverse educational backgrounds of participants in this programme and their various previous degree programmes, they do not comprise a homogenous group; the programme is therefore highly individualised. Wherever possible, however, students are brought together for classes. The teaching forms used in subject didactics modules are determined by the respective faculty in consultation with degree programme heads. Coaching, peer learning and distance learning are deployed when it is not possible to teach participants in groups.
The main aims of the degree programme are for participants to address subject didactics issues across the entire breadth of the sciences, and for them to acquire in-depth competences in subject didactics research and teaching.
- Natur und Technik
- Biologie, Chemie oder Physik
- Biologie, Chemie oder Physik Sekundarstufe II
Language of instruction
Credits | duration
90 ECTS | 3 years (on-the-job)
Academic title
Master of Arts PHZH UZH ETH in Fachdidaktik Naturwissenschaften
Qualifying disciplines
- University Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a scientific discipline
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from a university of teacher education
- Teaching Diploma for Upper Secondary Education (baccalaureate schools) with the corresponding subject background
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Educational Science
Detailed information
external page Master-Studiengang Fachdidaktik Naturwissenschaften (in German)
Application is only possible at PH Zurich.
Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH)
Department MA Science Didactics
Lagerstrasse 2