Open Science
Open Science represents a cultural shift in how the scientific community works. Researchers are consciously and responsibly moving towards curating, storing and sharing publications, research data and, increasingly, educational resources so that they are accessible to all, unless legal, ethical, intellectual property or other clauses prevent it. This transparency increases the quality and efficiency of the research process by making research results verifiable and thus more reliable and is essential in driving knowledge forward and promoting innovation. The benefits of researchers opening up their work are also welcomed by decision- and policy-makers, funding bodies and society at large.
ETH researchers have various options for opening up and sharing their data and publications. This webpage is designed to navigate the services and infrastructures available at ETH Zurich. It also provides links to specific funding programmes in relation to open science.
News and Events
Swiss Open Research Data Grants: Explore projects
This call supports projects and research communities in the early exploratory stages of implementing ORD practices. Deadline: March 2, 2025 | external page Link
ORD funding for existing research infrastructures of strategic relevance
This call will fund projects that aim to support ORD, either by introducing a new ORD element or by further developing an ORD component in existing research infrastructures of strategic relevance. Deadline: March 2, 2025 | external page Link

Share research data

Improve the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability of research data according to the FAIR Data principles
Publish findings

Disseminate research results Open Access for all
Join the community

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- chevron_right ETH Zurich Open Access Policy
- chevron_right Guidelines for Research Data Management at ETH Zurich
- chevron_right ETH Zurich Integrity Guidelines
- external page call_made Open Research Data Position of the ETH Domain
- external page call_made Swiss National Open Research Data Strategy
- external page call_made Swiss National Open Research Data Action Plan
- external page call_made Swiss National Strategy on Open Access
- external page call_made EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)
ETH Zurich
Research Initiatives & Infrastructures
Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg 4