Didactic Fellowship programme

Didactic Fellows are appointed by the Rector of ETH to serve as mentors and resource persons for newly appointed professors and to form an exclusive sounding board for the Rector to advise on strategic matters in higher education.

The Didactic Fellowship programme includes intensive individual training in advanced didactic and peer mentoring tools. The programme also offers engaged professors an ETH-wide network to further excellence in teaching at ETH.

Didactic Fellows

Didactic Fellows are appointed by the Rector of ETH in recognition of their engagement and excellence in teaching and their proven skill as peer mentors and coaches.

Since 2015, ten professors from seven departments have been awarded a Didactic Fellowship by the Rector and completed the Didactic Fellows’ training programme, nine are currently ac-tive at ETH. The goal is to have Didactic Fellows active in every Department of ETH.

Becoming a Didactic Fellow

Didactic Fellows have already completed the Teaching at ETH programme, courses I and II, or its equivalent. They then receive an intensive two-semester individual coaching training.

During this training, Didactic Fellows

  • reflect in-depth upon their own teaching practice
  • gain practical experience in guiding classroom visits and offering feedback to peers
  • acquire a comprehensive toolkit in advanced didactic techniques and coaching
  • reflect upon and improve their skills through continual feedback loops

How Didactic Fellows serve ETH

Didactic Fellows

  • offer inspiration to colleagues to broaden their repertoire of teaching scenarios
  • mentor peers, offering practical tips and tools to gain self-confidence and deepen their teaching skills
  • help create interdepartmental communities of practice around teaching
  • contribute to departmental initiatives on teaching
  • advise the Rector on strategic initiatives in teaching at ETH


Dr. Sarah Shephard
Senior Faculty Developer, Director of Didactic Fellowship programme
  • +41 44 632 54 30
  • shephard@let.ethz.ch

ETH Zürich
Educational Development and Technology (LET)