Contact and organisational structure
Contact list
Information about the organisation
In order to provide integral support for the technical systems, the department has around 45 specialists in building management systems, locking systems, building technology, building automation, energy supply and workshop technology.

The Engineering and Systems department is headed by
Dr. Dominik Brem.
+41 44 632 21 97

Head: Urs Nussbaum
+41 79 572 65 27
- Planning and management of the mechanical and electronic locking systems
- Support and ongoing development of the GMIS building management system (CAFM)
- Responsible for the operation and further development of the web services (CMS, Sharepoint, web applications) of the E&S and FS departments
- Representation of ETH Zurich in specialist committees (e.g. KBOB)

Head: Dario D’Ercole
+41 44 632 36 78
- Advising on systematic operational optimisation and supporting the building and technical departments as well as external companies with energy data analyses (EMMS)
- Participation in the project team of construction projects as well as quality assurance of building services requirements, including support for acceptance and commissioning of building services systems
- Coordination of the building guidelines in the VPIN
- Ensuring an economically and ecologically optimal cleaning result
- Ensuring the electrical supply and technical management of the electricians in the area
- Fault management in case of supply interruptions and necessary repairs
- Management of the CO2 reduction path for energy supply/use in accordance with the strategies of the federal government (net zero) and ETH Zurich
- Strategic energy and media supply for the Hönggerberg and Zentrum sites
- Organisation and implementation of training courses/ERFA groups
- Representation of ETH Zurich in various specialist committees (e.g. KBOB, ERFA U+E ETH Domain, VBE)
- We ensure the operation of building automation at automation and management level around the clock (24/7).
- Involvement and advice on building automation in infrastructure projects from planning to completion.
- Improving infrastructure efficiency by analysing and adapting the operating behaviour of HVACR systems.
- Enhancing expertise by offering internal training courses in building automation areas such as KNX and DAL.
- Providing data for teaching and research from building automation and from the IoT network LoRaWAN at ETH Zurich.
- Promoting innovation by integrating the latest technologies such as IoT and AI into building automation.
As a technology platform of ETH Zurich, techpool is the central contact and coordination point for all topics related to workshops. It provides specific, interdepartmental services in the field of engineering and develops strategies, guidelines and standards for ETH workshops. It also monitors technical trends, legislation and market developments, especially in the area of workshop digitalisation.
The Engineering and Systems department is under the authority of the Vice President for Infrastructure and Sustainability (VPIN).