Rector's Staff
The Rector's Staff supports the Rector of ETH Zurich in his daily business and implements strategic projects in the field of teaching.
The Rector's Staff handles and supports the Rector's business. This includes teaching-related issues at Bachelor's and Master's level as well as topics concerning the doctorate, continuing education and the interface between secondary school and university.
The Rector's Staff is responsible for various projects of the Rector and is the main point of contact for the different units in the Rector's domain. It is also responsible for budget coordination in the Rectorate and for quality assurance in teaching.
Members of the Rector's Staff
- chevron_right Dr Wendy Altherr
- chevron_right Rafael Azzati
- chevron_right Dr Philipp Bieri
- chevron_right Marco Gerber
- chevron_right Dr Gerd Kortemeyer
- chevron_right Marianne Mandrin
- chevron_right Dr Christoph Niedermann
- chevron_right Martina Rizzoli
- chevron_right Ulrich Schutz
- chevron_right Oriana Wiedmer
- chevron_right Dr Dieter Wüest
Dr Christoph Niedermann, Co-Head

Dr Christoph Niedermann is the contact person for teaching-related questions at Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral level as well as for continuing education and Co-Head of the Rector's Office.
Further business:
- Quality Assurance Teaching
- Doctorate
- external page Interface between Gymnasium and University (HSGYM)
- external page IDEA League
- Congressi Stefano Franscini
- external page Villa Garbald
- Conference of the Directors of Studies
Dr Wendy Altherr, Co-Head

Dr Wendy Altherr is budget coordinator of the Rectorate and contact person for teaching-related questions at Bachelor's and Master's level and Co-Head of the Rector's Office. Dr Altherr also acts as secretary of the Teaching Commission of the ETH Zurich.
Further business:
- Relay function in the Bachelor Human Medicine ETH Zurich
- Member of the Board of Trustees external page Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich
- Acquisition of third-party funding for teaching development and innovation (e.g. Rector’s Impulse Fund)
- Member of the Prize Commission of ETH Zurich
- Member of the Steering Committee ETH Net Zero
Ulrich Schutz

Ulrich Schutz is responsible for teaching evaluation, teaching reports, teaching-related external page swissuniversities matters, and the Rector's newsletter.
Further business:
- Contact person for VSETH and student organisations
- ETH-EPFL Summer Schools
- Inter-university doctorates
Marianne Mandrin

Marianne Mandrin supports the Rector as his assistant in administrative and organizational tasks, coordinates appointments, events and communication, acts as a central point of contact for internal and external matters and is the contact person for the honorary councilors and honorary doctorates.
Martina Rizzoli

Martina Rizzoli is responsible for organising the Conference of the Directors of Studies, events and travel. She also acts as deputy assistant to the Rector and provides support in the areas of financial accounting and communication.
Oriana Wiedmer

Oriana Wiedmer is secretary of the PAKETH project office. She also coordinates the areas of marketing, accounting and event organisation as part of ETH Zurich's involvement in the two university alliances external page IDEA League and ENHANCE.
Dr Philipp Bieri

Dr Philipp Bieri is the liaison to the ENHANCE Alliance and coordinates its activities at ETH. The ENHANCE Alliance brings together ten universities of technology with the aim of promoting student mobility, developing innovative learning opportunities and advancing digitalisation in university administration.
Marco Gerber

Marco Gerber manages the project PAKETH (Examinations and Academic Calendar at ETH) project. Together with the project team - consisting of representatives from the departments of the Rectorate - he is planning the implementation phase of this teaching reform, which will be introduced in the Autumn Semester 2027.
Rafael Azzati

Rafael Azzati heads the communication sub-project in PAKETH (Examinations and Academic Calendar at ETH). He is also responsible for communication tasks in the Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL).
Dr Gerd Kortemeyer

Dr Gerd Kortemeyer is the Rectorate's liaison to the ETH AI Center. He is responsible for promoting initiatives in the area of “AI for Education”, and for special projects in the field of educational technology.