Globe 20/04: Climate change

"A new mindset" Reshaping our response to the climate crisis
In this issue’s Focus section, ETH researchers explain why climate change demands action at the technical, political, economic and societal level. How can we transform our understanding of climate change into meaningful action?
Campus policies drive societal change

The coronavirus crisis has triggered a boom in virtual collaboration as an alternative to flying. Might it be possible to seize on this experience to shape the future of sustainable mobility?
Poorest face dilemma in Africa’s cities
New and Noted

A recent study in South Africa and Ghana shows people support government steps to combat Covid-19 but lack the infrastructure and financial security required to maintain social distancing.
Putting climate-positive business ideas into practice

More and more ETH Zurich researchers are taking the plunge into entrepreneurship. By launching spin-offs, they hope to turn their lab findings into solutions that can help stem the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide.
In search for a new physics
5 Questions

Lavinia Heisenberg has been awarded the ETH Latsis Prize for her outstanding achievements in theoretical physics. The ETH professor dreams of being an astronaut.
Get ready for the cleantech race!

Meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement means embracing a sustainable transition to renewables. Yet analyses suggest that decarbonisation can only be achieved with targeted government support for the right technologies.
rETHink project: preparing for the next 20 years

Rising expectations from both inside and outside the university have prompted the Executive Board to launch rETHink. One year on, this organisational development project is steadily gaining momentum.
"The key thing is to make a start."

Civil society and governments struggle to take action when it comes to climate change. So what’s the solution? We asked climate researcher Reto Knutti and climate strike advocate Marie-Claire Graf for their perspectives.
Doing things differently

Without a profound socio-ecological change, we will never achieve climate neutrality, say three economists. A brief sketch of what a sustainable economy might look like.
The sky’s the limit for engineers

Changing the world with the power of ideas – that’s what Martin Bosshardt finds so fascinating about being an engineer. And no matter which industry he works in, he always draws on what he learnt at ETH.
Download, print and save the reef!

Coral reefs are in acute danger of disappearing due to climate change. An artist and a marine biologist have taken up the challenge of rebuilding the reefs by harnessing the power of 3D printers.
About Globe
Globe, the magazine of ETH Zurich and ETH Zurich Alumni, is issued jointly by ETH Zurich and the ETH Alumni Association.