Foundations of Teaching and Learning

Designed for senior ETH teaching staff, this programme provides a foundation in teaching and learning in higher education and at ETH.

Course content

Participants use core teaching and learning concepts in higher education to analyse their teaching experience within and beyond their own disciplines. Throughout the course, they plan their own teaching based on these insights. Course facilitators and fellow participants support the practical implementation of these plans in their own teaching courses.

Is this course for me?

This programme is intended for Senior Scientists, Senior scientific staff, Senior Assistants, Postdocs and lecturers. Participants must be teaching a course (either during the programme itself or from the following semester onwards) where they have the opportunity to deploy what they have learned.

No previous teacher training is required.

Not sure? Browse our other courses.

Current courses / registration

Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Two places are primarily reserved for course participants’ colleagues.

If you have any questions, please contact Mirjam Bigler.

  1. Design courses and assessment procedures
  2. Promote continuous learning throughout the semester
  3. Conduct a teaching project in your own course
  4. Exchange with other lecturers to advance teaching excellence

Programme coordinator

  • +41 44 632 70 66
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Lehrentwicklung und -​technologie
Haldenbachstr. 44
HAD G 12
8092 Zürich


Mirjam Bigler
  • +41 44 632 63 47
  • Email
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Lehrentwicklung und -​technologie
Haldenbachstr. 44
HAD G 11
8092 Zürich