Accident insurance

Who is covered?

Employees, apprentices and interns of ETH Zurich who work for at least eight hours per week are compulsorily insured against occupational accident, occupational sickness and non-occupational accident.

Part-time employees at ETH Zurich who work fewer than eight hours per week are insured against occupational accident, occupational sickness and accidents on the way to and from work, but not against non-occupational accident.

For employees who work at least eight hours per week:

  • the insurance starts on the day that the employment relationship with ETH begins or that an entitlement to pay first arises.
  • the insurance ends 31 days after the last working day (additional coverage period) or 31 days after the day on which entitlement to at least half-salary or income replacement (daily allowance in the event of an accident, sickness, etc.) ceases.

For part-time employees who work fewer than eight hours per week:

  • the insurance starts when they start their direct commute to work.
  • the insurance ends at the end of the working day or upon their return home.

Further information in the leaflet Download Accident insurance Suva and accident supplement AXA (PDF, 44 KB)

Accident insurance distinguishes between occupational and non-occupational accidents.

Occupational accident insurance (BU)

All employees whose salaries are subject to social insurance contributions must be insured against occupational accidents. This insurance covers medical expenses and daily allowances, provides accident-related disability benefits and supports surviving dependents following the death of the insured person.

Eligible employees at ETH Zurich are insured by the external page Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund SUVA against the consequences of occupational accidents. The insurance premium is paid by ETH Zurich.

Non-occupational accident insurance (NBU)

Non-occupational accident insurance covers the financial consequences of accidents outside work. An employee working at least 8 hours for the same employer is also insured against non-occupational accidents. Decisive are the number of effectively performed work hours over a longer period of time.

As the employer, ETH Zurich pays one third of the premium for non-occupational accident insurance, with the employee paying the remaining two thirds.

Employees who work less than eight hours a week are not insured against non-occupational accident (exception: accidents on the way to work). In order to be covered nevertheless, these persons must have the accident risk insured with their compulsory health insurance at their own expense.

As a supplement to the compulsory accident insurance, ETH employees can take out supplementary insurance with AXA at attractive premiums.

Our salary calculator can help you calculate the NBU contributions that will be deducted from your salary.

Disclaimer Please note: The information on this page is meant for information purposes only. No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information. The rules and regulations may have changed in the meantime. For legally binding information please contact the responsible authority.