Globe 21/03: Quantum worlds

"Quantum worlds" The quest to turn quantum theory into innovative real-world applications
ETH was quick to recognise the potential of quantum science and is now a world leader in research and education in this field. Yet many mysteries of the quantum world remain to be discovered.

Mastering the unknown

Two years ago, ETH launched the innovative Master’s degree in quantum engineering. Now the first cohort of students is nearing the end of the programme.
“It increasingly feels like a high-tech race”

Could quantum technologies really be the next gold rush? ETH Vice President Vanessa Wood and quantum researcher Andreas Wallraff discuss how close we are to putting quantum promises into practice.
A higher calling

A keen mountaineer, Manfred Hunziker has conquered well over 6,500 peaks. As an ETH graduate in electrical engineering, he followed a career shaped by the dizzying rise of computer technology.
The whole is the truth

Quantum physics opens our eyes to the holistic nature of reality. Nothing can be observed in isolation – and everything is governed by chance.
Tracking down track ballast

Switzerland may soon be facing a shortage of railway ballast. ETH geologists are heading into the wilds to track down new sources of crushed rocks.
Computer scientists take on the quantum challenge

For a long time, the development of quantum computers was concerned with theoretical and hardware aspects. But as the focus shifts towards programming, software and security issues, the classical computer sciences are coming back into play.
Simplifying quantum systems

If only it were less prone to error, quantum physics might already be giving us instant solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems. ETH researchers are therefore working to develop systems that are more robust.
Making high-quality research possible

Sarah Hofer is researching methods of learning and instruction in STEM subjects. She investigates how intelligence, prior knowledge and gender can affect learning methods and successful learning outcomes.
About Globe
Globe, the magazine of ETH Zurich and ETH Zurich Alumni, is issued jointly by ETH Zurich and the ETH Alumni Association.