The Rector’s Impulse Fund


The aim is to support innovative short-term projects to stimulate and improve teaching.

In 2024/2025 funding will be provided to promote the use of the Moodle question type STACK throughout the ETH. This will support our teaching staff both in giving feedback more efficiently during the semester (formative assessment) and lighten the burden of grading in the exam session (summative assessment). Special attention is given to service courses with high student numbers that use calculations in maths or in applied subjects: STACK can deal with numbers, formulas, units and significant figures!

The requirements and criteria of the call are published Download here (PDF, 132 KB)

Deadline for applications is December 31, 2024 to

For questions you can reach out to the project leader Meike Akveld:


Adrian Weiss
“Finding ideas for innovations is challenging. I am very pleased to support forward-​looking impulses and visions through the Rector's Impulse Fund.”
Adrian Weiss
Adrian Weiss

In addition to his Foundation for the Promotion of Research at Swiss Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences, Adrian Weiss supports innovative teaching projects with an annual donation to the Rector, Günther Dissertori.

Funded projects in previous funding cycles