Teaching at ETH 2: Research-oriented teaching and learning

Over 200 professors now certified!

The Unit for Teaching and Learning (UTL) offers a compact continuing education programme in university teaching which is tailored specifically to the situation and needs of professors here at ETH.

The programme is structured in two consecutive parts:

  • Course 1: Teaching at ETH: Committed and skilled
  • Course 2: Teaching at ETH: Research-oriented teaching and learning (see below)

Course content

In this course we concentrate on teaching in less formalised, more research-oriented situations such as working with graduate students in your research group, undergraduate student projects and advanced graduate courses. You will learn powerful teaching concepts to make your own 1-to-1 or small-group mentoring more effective and promote the professional development of your advanced students.

Who is this course for?

This course is for professors who have completed the course "Teaching at ETH 1: Committed and skilled" (or its equivalent).

Current courses / registration

Number of participants: 10. Participants are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register even if the course is full, a waiting list will automatically be created.

If you have any questions, please contact .

You will be able to:

  1. turn typical research situations, such as writing a grant proposal, writing or reviewing a research paper, planning an experiment, evaluating and defending research findings, into powerful learning situations.
  2. contribute a “big picture” perspective (long-term professional development) to mentoring students, at both graduate and undergraduate levels, and members of your research group.

Language: English

Cost: Free of charge

Format & workload:

  • three-​day course during the semester break (24 hours)
  • classroom observations with peer feedback in small groups over the following two semesters (15 hours)
  • a 2.5 hour consolidation workshop at the end of each of the next two semesters (5 hours)

In total, 44 hours of course time (including the transfer phase). We estimate up to 10 additional hours for individual preparation.

You will need: 
Attendance in the course requires both active participation and a willingness to implement what you have learned in your own teaching. You will receive intensive support from faculty developers and be invited to give critical feedback to your colleagues throughout.

Course certificate:
The course must be attended as a whole. Upon completion, you will receive an official certificate (may serve as documentation in the teaching portfolio required for the ETH tenure process).

"Thank you so much for these two excellent courses and your dedication and enthusiasm for teaching. The courses helped me a lot to reflect on and improve my teaching in all aspects: teaching in small and larger classes, as well as working with individual PhD and Master students."

"The most valuable 3-day course ever, apart from the first course in Teaching at ETH."

"A great source of knowledge and, even better, inspiration to change things."

"Great course - hoping for a third one!"

"The impact of this course goes way beyond meeting the described objectives. In addition to learning new tools that have helped me in shaping and better interacting with my group, it is the intense discussions and exchange of experiences with colleagues, both more junior and senior ones, that are invaluable and otherwise difficult to initiate, in particular across departments, given our busy schedules. I highly recommend this course to every assistant professor and encourage senior colleagues to participate."


Video comments from previous participants on how "Teaching at ETH" has influenced their teaching:

Interview with Prof. Ulrike Lohmann

Interview with Prof. André Studart

Programme coordinator

Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Shephard
  • HAD G 12
  • +41 44 632 54 30
  • vCard Download

Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
Haldenbachstr. 44
8092 Zürich

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