Globe 20/03: Artificial intelligence

«Everything AI?» The rise of human-machine partnerships
Artificial intelligence is having a growing impact on our daily lives and is also revolutionising research. ETH Zurich recognises its responsibility in this area and is striving to promote innovation and trust in this fast-evolving technology.
Interdisciplinary cooperation

Ten years ago, ETH took the bold step of establishing a presence abroad in the form of its very own research centre. This year, the Singapore-ETH Centre launched its third research programme – and new insights are already making their way back to Switzerland.
The algorithm on my team

The automation of work is increasing at a tremendous pace. But how well do technology and humans really work together in a digitised world?
Thousands of seismometers on a single cable
New and Noted

Fibre-optic cables are emerging as a valuable tool for geoscientists and glaciologists. They offer a relatively inexpensive way of measuring even the tiniest glacial earthquakes – plus they can also be used to obtain more accurate images of the geological subsurface in earthquake-prone megacities.
Who makes the final decision?

Protecting citizens in the face of disaster often requires far-reaching decisions to be made. Any assistance is welcome – including from AI.
Giving computers a voice

From Alexa and Siri to translation programs and computer-generated news, anything seems possible these days.The Media Technology Center is searching for applications that could lend a hand with day-to-day editorial work.
Citizen in uniform

Germaine J. F. Seewer is the first woman to hold the rank of Major General in the Swiss Armed Forces. Her new role as Commander of the Armed Forces College has forged even closer ties to her alma mater.
A university for the guardians of the rainforest

The Inga hope a university will keep their indigenous heritage alive, safeguard the natural habitat of the Colombian rainforest and give the younger generation a future. Anne Lacaton, Professor of Architecture and Design, spent two semesters supporting the project with her students.
Managing with machines

More and more companies say that AI will be an important tool in the future. AI could also be useful for administration and management – but this journey has only just begun.
The “black box” problem

A bioethicist and a neuroinformatics scientist discuss how machines are becoming more intelligent and why the advances in technology are leading to new ethical challenges.
Everything AI?

Artificial intelligence is having a growing impact on our daily lives and is also revolutionising research. ETH Zurich recognises its responsibility in this area and is striving to promote innovation and trust in this fast-evolving technology.
«Our research could help to design vaccines for the epidemics of the future»
5 Questions

Immunologist Emma Wetter Slack develops innovative oral vaccines against pathogenic intestinal bacteria in farm animals – and against coronaviruses in humans.