Master Food Science and Nutrition

New regulations from autumn semester 2024 and name change

Starting in the autumn semester 2024, new study regulations will apply and both the structure and the name of the study programme will change:

  • until and including entry in the spring semester 2024: Food Science
  • from entry in the autumn semester 2024: Food Science and Nutrition

The aim of Food Science is to ensure the global nutrition of people. This is achieved by providing safe, high quality and healthy food products from sustainable use of natural resources.

The Master's degree programme is structured as follows:

  • One Major
  • One supplementary area
  • Science in Perspective
  • Master’s thesis (28 weeks)

A professional internship is not compulsory, but is recommended.

Graduates with a Master's degree in Food Science and Nutrition have a high level of theoretical and methodological abilities, skills in analysis and development as well as personal and social skills:

  • Specialist knowledge in one of the two Majors
  • Ability to analyse and work on complex food science issues
  • Ability to design safe processes in food production
  • Ability to assume responsibility in a team, reflect on own knowledge and skills, and contribute constructively to projects


  • Food Science and Technology
  • Nutrition and Health

Language of instruction


Credits | duration

90 ECTS | 1.5 years

Academic title

Master of Science ETH in Food Science and Nutrition


Dr. Jeannette Nuessli Guth
  • +41 44 632 66 34

ETH Zurich
Department of Health Sciences and Technology
Schmelzbergstrasse 9
LFO F 25.2
8092 Zurich