Archives of Contemporary History

Archives of Contemporary History at ETH Zurich

The Archives of Contemporary History collects privately owned documents on the history of Switzerland in the 20th and 21st centuries. It complements the state's collection of documents and thus enables teaching and research from the perspective of private actors.


  • Total of 829 personal papers, institutional archives and collections (4,519 metres in total) (AfZ Online Archives)
  • Indexed and publicly searchable archive records: 628 fonds / 3444 linear metres / 201,863 dossiers
  • 31,120 books


  • Economics: e.g. archives Economiesuisse, Swiss Employers' Association, Swissmem, Swiss Textiles, Landis&Gyr
  • Jewish history: e.g. archives Swiss Refugee Council, Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities, Association of Swiss Jewish Refugee Aid and Welfare Organisations, Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zürich
  • Politics: e.g. personal papers of Werner Rings, Alfred A. Häsler, Gustav Däniker, Carlo Jagmetti

Relevance of research and Public

The Archives of Contemporary History is a service provider for teaching and research. It provides access to private documents from the recent past, advises researchers in their search for archive material and offers teaching and further education events in cooperation with universities, universities of applied sciences and professional associations

The archive organises academic and secondary school courses and designs specialist archival training and further education programmes. It is networked with universities, memory institutions and professional associations in Switzerland and abroad and maintains corresponding partnerships and project co-operations.

Current activities, projects

Use of the archive / online presence


  • +41 44 632 40 03
  • Email
  • Website

ETH Zurich

Archives of Contemporary History
Hirschengraben 62
8092 Zurich