ETH Zurich's Art Inventory

Porträt Conrad Gessner. ETH Zürich, Hauptgebäude, Nordfassade. Karl Gottlob Schönherr und Adolf Wilhelm Walther, 1863 (Copyright notice: ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Kunstinventar / Fotograf: Frank Blaser)

ETH Zurich's Art Inventory manages, indexes and mediates artworks owned by the university.


Approximately 300 art objects


  • Busts and portraits of prominent persons from ETH Zurich
  • Plaster casts
  • Paintings
  • Statues/sculptures

Relevance of research and Public

The Art Inventory primarily contains works by Swiss artists from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. Part of the holdings is open to the general public as art in architecture all over the ETH-Zurich campuses (Zentrum and Hönggerberg). 

Use of the archive / online presence

  • Views of the objects from different angles are available as digital images in E-Pics Art Inventory.
  • Where legally permitted, the digital copies can be downloaded for free in high resolution. 


Collections and Archives
  • +41 44 632 78 21
  • Email

ETH Zurich
ETH Library
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zurich