Master Environmental Sciences

Environmental scientists take a system-oriented approach. This means that they think and act along interdisciplinary lines and view entire systems from a scientific, sociological and technical perspective. However, environmental sciences are primarily based on natural sciences, which is why we require an appropriate profile when applying.
Environmental offices, public administration, insurance companies, financial institutions and other service providers urgently need specialists and managers who pursue a system-oriented approach. Our graduates are therefore in great demand in Switzerland and internationally to tackle environmental problems at local, regional and international level and to actively shape the future of the world.
- Atmosphere and Climate
- Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics
- Ecology and Evolution
- Environmental Systems and Policy
- Forest and Landscape Management
- Human Health, Nutrition and Environment
Language of instruction
Credits | duration
120 ECTS | 2 years
Academic title
Master of Science ETH in Environmental Sciences
Requirement profile
Detailed information
ETH Zurich
Department of Environmental Systems Science
Universitätstrasse 16
CHN H 42.1