D-PHYS D-USYS D-ERDW Radionuclides

Our video series for the blended learning course "Radionuclides as environmental tracers" depicts how these tracers help us understand our world by following a series of case studies.


The blended learning course "Radionuclides as environmental tracers" explores how radionuclides can be used as tracers to understand environmental processes. This includes how they serve as tracers for paleoclimate reconstruction and to understand the carbon cycle, and how they contribute to generating knowledge about ocean water circulation. The course focuses on long-lived radionuclides that decay over thousands or millions of years, which require sophisticated mass spectrometers to measure. In addition, the course features a video series that take students through the central aspects of each case study and provide a more visual and interactive learning experience.

The video-series is currently in production.

script excerpt
Styleframe 2 of the Radionuclides series
Styleframe 2 of the Radionuclides series

Visual Style

The visual style of "Radionuclides as Environmental Tracers" series was carefully crafted to balance both scientific accuracy and visual appeal. The use of on-location footage of sampling in various environments, such as caves, rivers, and the arctic, immerses the viewer in the real-world application of the science. The 2D animations, with their unique style, complement the footage and serve as a tool to explain complex scientific concepts in an engaging and accessible way. The use of a different color palette for each case study creates a visually stunning and cohesive world that invites viewers to explore and learn more about the subject matter. The combination of these elements ensures that the series is both informative and visually appealing.

Color Schema Series
Color Schema Series
Colors in regard of the video topics
Colors in regard of the video topics

People involved

Illustration and Animation: Jane Gebel, Hannes Oehen
Script Development: Judith Rehmann, Caroline Welte
Script Review: Anna Garry
Camera: Ave-Lii Idavain, Kateryna Makarenko, Jeanine Reutemann
Voice Over: Louise Rook
Production Lead: Judith Rehmann, Jeanine Reutemann
Course Leaders: Caroline Welte, Núria Casacuberta, Anne-Marie Wefing
Post-production and Sounddesign: Jeanine Reutemann
Backstopping: Gerd Kortemeyer