ETH Day 2023
ETH Zurich celebrated its 168th anniversary at this year’s ETH Day on 18 November 2023 together with guests from research, politics, and industry.
As a tradition, ETH Zurich takes the opportunity to honour members of its community who have distinguished themselves over the past year. The student association VSETH awards lecturers who went the extra mile for their students. In addition, two students from the Department of Biology gave an insight into their work at this year's edition of ETH Day.
Impressions from the ETH Day 2023

You can find all pictures external page in this gallery.
Video recording of this year's ETH Day (German only):

Professor Günther Dissertori
Rector of ETH Zurich

Günther Dissertori has been Rector of ETH Zurich since February 2022 and Professor of Physics since 2001. As Rector, he is responsible for all matters relating to teaching and for the organisation and quality assurance of the academic programme. In addition, he is deputy to the President. The physicist grew up in South Tirol and studied at the University of Innsbruck, where he completed his doctorate. He then joined CERN in Geneva as a doctoral researcher, where he was later involved in setting up the CMS experiment in the large particle accelerator, one of the two experiments that made it possible to prove the existence of the Higgs boson. Students in his department have awarded him the Golden Owl for excellent teaching four times, and he has also received the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching.
Professor Joël Mesot
President of ETH Zurich

Joël Mesot has been Full Professor of Physics since 2008 and also President of ETH Zurich since 2019. ETH Zurich was where he originally studied and obtained a doctoral degree in solid state physics. As President, he assumes overall legal and political responsibility for the university. He heads the process for appointing new professors and defines university strategy together with the Executive Board and other ETH bodies. His duties also include managing relations with official bodies, policymakers and the public. Between 2008 and 2018, he was Director of the Paul Scherrer Institute. Previously, he spent many years doing research in France and the United States in the field of solid state physics.
Professor Thomas J. Jordan
Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank

Thomas J. Jordan is Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank (SNB). He received his PhD (Dr rer. pol.) from the University of Bern in 1993. After a post-doctoral research period at Harvard University, he joined the SNB as a scientific advisor in 1997. He became a private lecturer at the University of Bern in 1998 and an honorary professor in 2003. The University of Basel awarded him an honorary doctorate in 2017. The Federal Council appointed Thomas J. Jordan as a member of the SNB Governing Board in 2007, Vice-Chairman in 2010 and Chairman in 2012. He is Governor of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Switzerland. Thomas J. Jordan is a member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Banking and Risk Management Committee of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel. He represents Switzerland on the Plenary and Steering Committees of the Financial Stability Board (FSB) and chairs the FSB Standing Committee on Budget and Resources (SCBR).
Julia Bogdan
VSETH President

Julia Bogdan is about to complete her Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and has been President of the Association of Students at ETH (VSETH) since September 2023. She grew up in St. Gallen, where she attended cantonal school before starting her studies at ETH in 2019. She has been interested in university politics since she started her studies. She was involved in the Student Association of Computer Science VIS for three years, including two years as its president, before taking over the presidency of the VSETH. The VSETH is the umbrella organisation for all students at ETH and, as the official student representative body, exercises its rights of participation at ETH. With 17 professional associations and various commissions, VSETH is also an integral part of student life at ETH.
Wera Hotz Kowner
Former General Manager of Jakob Kowner AG
for her exemplary pioneering spirit as well as her untiring commitment to the advancement of aspiring and working engineers.
Wera Hotz Kowner studied electrical engineering, information technology and business administration at ETH Zurich from 1959 to 1963, including internships at BBC (now ABB) in Baden and CEM in Paris. She then worked for two years in New York and was involved in the electrification of the famous Lincoln Center. After returning to Switzerland, she first became managing director of Kowner Schalttafel- und Apparatebau AG, and from 1970 took over the overall management of the company, which she expanded to four locations with up to 200 employees. Wera Hotz Kowner served for many years on the boards of the Society of Industrial Engineers, the SIA Zurich Section (1981–1986 as President), the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) and the Swiss Management Society (SMG). In 2018, Wera Hotz Kowner successfully handed over Jakob Kowner AG to her daughter.
Franz K. von Meyenburg
President of the Wilhelm Schulthess Foundation / Clinic
for his visionary promotion of Zurich as a university and clinic location and for his strengthening of the interplay between medicine and technology in the service of society.
Franz K. von Meyenburg studied business administration at the HSG. He then worked for 25 years for the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt, from 1992 as General Manager for the capital market business Switzerland and International, from 1996–1999 as Member of the Executive Board and Co-Head Investment and Corporate Banking Europe. In 1999 he joined Bank Sarasin as a partner and served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the subsidiaries in London, Singapore, Hong Kong and Paris. After the sale of the bank, he took on various board mandates, including Vice Chairman of AXA Switzerland (2007–2019), and founded an asset management company with two partners in 2008. Franz K. von Meyenburg became a member of the Board of Trustees of the Wilhelm Schulthess Foundation/Clinic in 1996, and in 2001 he took over as Vice Chairman.
Endowed by ABB Switzerland, this award is given to outstanding dissertations in the fields, alternately, of energy technology as well as information & automation technology. In 2023, the award goes to two researchers working in the field of nformation & automation technology:
Dr Karen Janelle Bodie
for her doctoral thesis "Omnidirectional Tilt-Rotor Flying Robots for Aerial Physical Interaction: Modelling, Control, Design and Experiments".
Tanmay Goyal
for his Master's thesis "Towards Automated and Cost-Effective Industrial Data Analytics".
Heinrich Hatt-Bucher prizes are awarded to the three best Master’s theses in the Department of Architecture or the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. The two departments receive the award in alternate years. In 2023, the prizes were awarded in the Department of Architecture. They are going to:
First prize: Lukas Florian Scheidegger
for his Master's thesis "A school of sculpture in the Bergell".
Second prize: Sofie Unger
for her Master's thesis "DAZWISCHENLAND".
Third prize: Xingyu He
for his Master's thesis "Nairs Repowering".
The IBM Research Prize is awarded for student dissertations in the fields of computational chemistry, biology and materials science. In 2023, the prize goes to:
Stefan P. Schmid
for his Master's thesis "Machine Learning Reactivity in 4D: Including conformer ensembles in activation energy prediction".
This prize is awarded to outstanding dissertations in the field of water protection and hydrology. The 2023 prize is being awarded to:
Dr Charlotte Elisabeth Bopp
for her doctoral thesis "The Role of Oxygen Uncoupling by Rieske Non-Heme Iron Dioxygenases in the Biodegradation of Aromatic Contaminants".
Every year since 1985, the ETH Zurich Latsis Prize, which is endowed by the Fondation Latsis Internationale, has been awarded to young researchers from all disciplines at ETH Zurich up to and including the rank of assistant professor. The focus is on excellent and independent research conducted at ETH Zurich. The 2023 prize goes to:
Prof. Dr Inge Katrin Herrmann
for her outstanding contributions in the field of materials technology for biomedical applications, especially for the development of nanoparticle-based approaches for clinical needs. Such as the first intelligent surgical sealing material of its kind and the development of inorganic nanotherapeutics (Nanoglue).
Endowed by the Fondation Jean-Jacques et Felicia Lopez-Loreta, this prize is awarded to outstanding ETH graduates and enables them to pursue research or innovation projects. The 2023 prize goes to:
Dr Alexandre Hermann Christos Anthis
for his project "Combatting gastrointestinal anastomotic leaks using intelligent sealants".

The Association of Students at ETH Zurich (VSETH) represents the interests of students vis-à-vis the Executive Board and university bodies. On ETH Day, the President of VSETH, Julia Bogdan, awards particularly dedicated lecturers the Golden Owl for excellence in teaching. One lecturer in each department is selected by students to receive this mark of approval.
Students can rate all teachers for whom they have attended at least one lecture. Titles, origin, training and quality of research are all here – all that counts is the quality and commitment of lecturers’ teaching. Based on these ratings, the student associations select the prize-winners. Factors considered include the teaching materials used by the lecturers, their dedication outside the classroom or lecture hall, and the quality of supervision they offer to students.
Prof. Dr Nicola Zamboni
Departement of Biology
The Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching was launched in 2006 by the Credit Suisse Foundation in collaboration with the universities, institutes of technology and universities of applied sciences. In this way, the Foundation enables Swiss institutes of higher education to honour their best teachers every year. At ETH Zurich, candidates for the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching are nominated based on the student survey for awarding the Golden Owl. Drawing on the overall ranking and additional criteria, VSETH and the student associations determine the winner of the award.

Cathy Marulli completed her Bachelor's degree in interdisciplinary natural sciences with a focus on chemistry and biology and her Master's degree in systems biology at ETH Zurich. During her Master's thesis in the group of Prof. Dr Paola Picotti, she developed an innovative method for measuring dynamic protein interactions in cells, for which she was awarded the ETH Medal in 2020. Proteins are the molecular machines of the cell, which can perform different functions depending on their structure. Since 2020, Marulli has continued to dedicate her doctoral studies to developing novel approaches to explore the complex interplay of protein form and function.
Yun-Wei Lien

Yun-Wei Lien completed her Master's degree at the National University of Taiwan in 2019 and then decided to pursue doctoral studies at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Dr Martin Pilhofer and Dr Gregor Weiss. In her doctoral project, Lien is characterising the mechanism behind a bacterial predatory behaviour. This behaviour, called ixotrophy, can be observed in predatory filamentous bacteria that capture and dissolve prey bacteria on their surface. With collaboration partners from other disciplines, Lien has identified, on the one hand, grapple-hook-shaped structures on the surface of the predatory bacteria that trap the prey and, on the other hand, an injection system for the subsequent killing of the prey.
Further information
ETH Zürich
Rämistrasse 101