Admission prerequisites

Entry to an ETH Zurich Master’s degree programme presupposes a Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent from a recognised university.

Language prerequisites

Most Master’s degree programmes at ETH Zurich are taught in English; some require knowledge of both English and German; ands some are taught mostly in German. Candidates who hold the Swiss Matura are not required to present a language certificate.

Language requirements

Formal prerequisites

You hold a Bachelor’s degree from a external page recognised Swiss university. Your Bachelor’s degree is based upon academic accomplishments comprising at least three years of study (full-time equivalent) or 180 ECTS (European credit transfer system) credits. 1 ECTS credit corresponds to a workload of 25-30 hours.

Any other academic accomplishments recognised must also have been earned at a recognised university.

At the time of application you do not yet have to present the Bachelor’s degree. If you are admitted you must submit proof of the Bachelor’s degree by the beginning of the semester at the very latest.

If you have been definitively excluded from one or more study programmes at ETH Zurich or another university, admission to that study programme at any level is not possible

We only accept applications which are submitted online by the deadline and which contain all required documents.

Disciplinary prerequisites

The profile of requirements describes the knowledge and skills required for the respective Master’s degree programme.

It is oriented towards the content, scope, quality and skills level of the corresponding ETH Zurich Bachelor’s degree programme. In the profile of requirements you will also find further information on whether your previous education entitles you to admission to one of the consecutive Master’s degree programmes without additional requirements.

Profile of requirements