Understanding patents

For more educational resourses on patents: 

Targeted audiences 

ETH courses related to patent and other IP rights


ETH courses granting ECTsStudents 
external page General IP knowledge and relevant laws in SwitzerlandIGE/IPI websiteGeneral audiences 

external page E-learning courses provided by European Patent Academy


EPA online courses, registration required, 1-8 hrs eachStudents, professors, ETH entrepreneurs
external page Europe IP Helpdesk - E-LearningRecorded webinar courses hosted by European Commission IP Helpdesk, on a diverse collection of IP topics, free of charge Students, professors, ETH entrepreneurs, technology transfer officers

Your partners for IP education:

Your ETH contact point for patent training:

Dr. Ying Wang
  • HG F 43
  • +41 44 633 85 25
  • ying.wang@sl.ethz.ch

ETH transfer IP und Lizenzen
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

Dr.  Ying Wang