ETH Zurich University Archives
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Travelogue of Geologist Arnold Heim
ETH Zurich University Archives
ETH Zurich University Archives
- ETH-Zurich and ETH-Board Archives: 2,900 metres (status 2023)
- Personal archives: 2,320 metres (status 2023)
- Minutes and other records of the Swiss School Board (1854–1992), of organisational units of ETH Zurich (since 1854) and of the ETH Board (since 1993)
- Private papers of engineers: e.g. Karl Culmann, Robert Maillart, Aurel Stodola
- Private papers of natural scientists: e.g. Albert Einstein documents by Carl Seelig, Vladimir Prelog, Leopold Ruzicka, Rudolf Wolf
- Private papers of mathematicians: e.g. Paul Bernays, Heinz Hopf, Hermann Weyl, Eduard Stiefel, George Pólya
- Private papers of psychologists: e.g. C.G. Jung Papers Collection
- Subject-based archives with contents related to ETH Zurich: e.g. Archives of the History of Nuclear Energy in Switzerland
- Archives of student associations and academic societies
Relevance of research and Public
The balanced mix of administrative records and private papers is complemented by archives that have a structural or subject-based connection to ETH Zurich. Together, they form a solid foundation for research on technical, social and science history issues.
Moreover, the private papers, student administration records and the biographical documentation are also a valuable source for genealogical and other biographically oriented research.
Current activities, projects
- Archival description and digitization for presentation on the portal external page
- Cataloging of the Richard R. Ernst personal papers (ErNE) – by the end of 2025 the the scientific personal papers of Nobel Prize winner Richard R. Ernst will be archived and indexed.
Use of the archive / online presence
- Minutes of the Swiss School Board Meetings are freely accessible via Schulratsprotokolle Online.
- Digitally indexed archival material can be searched on ETH Library's Search Portal or via the Virtual Reading Room.
- Private papers are continuously digitised and made accessible on the portal external page in due consideration of the legal parameters.
- You can search for catalogued archive material in external page ETH Library @ swisscovery or in the Virtual Reading Room of the University Archives.

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Opening hours
Reading Room Collections and Archives
Mon–Fri: 10.00–17.00
(Please book in advance)
Individual guided tours on request