Rooms and workplaces
Modern rooms and appropriate infrastructure are essential to cultivating an exceptional work environment and culture of excellence. ETH Zurich’s buildings include rooms of various sizes and technical equipment to meet the different requirements of teaching, research and other services provided by ETH Zurich.

Workplaces for students
Students at ETH Zurich can use workplaces in various buildings for individual study all year round. A list of workplaces can be found in the Student portal.
Rooms for meetings and seminars
Each of the departments have premises allocated for their work.
Additional rooms for larger events, such as meetings or seminars, can be found and reserved via the Academic Services Rectorate rooms service portal.
Are you looking for a special space or a location with particular equipment? Please contact the Campus Services Eventsteam for further advice.
A permit is required for larger events or occasions for which several rooms and areas are required.
Examples of special rooms at ETH Zurich include the Alumni Pavillon, Audi Max, Semper Aula, Siemens Auditorium and Flexible Auditorium.

Finding and reserving rooms
ETH staff can use the Room Request web application to find and reserve free rooms, and view existing reservations.
The Room Request web application contains detailed information on room equipment, multimedia teaching technology, or structural installations, including a calendar of bookings.
MyRooms provides information on rooms in the user’s own organisational unit and its subordinate units.
Students should refer to the Association of students at ETH, VSETH. VSETH has event rooms and additional rooms at ETH Zurich can be booked by applying for a patronage.
Special rooms
ETH Zurich’s IT Services division has a Multimedia Services subsection, which operates two video conferencing rooms. One is located in the ETH Zurich main building and the other is located in the Fünffinger Dock (HCI office and lab) on the Hönggerberg campus. The main building also has a video studio.
VSETH has eleven music rooms that it rents out. Five rooms are located on the Zentrum campus and six are located at Hönggerberg. These music rooms are strictly only available for use by authorised parties. These are primarily students at ETH Zurich, followed by ETH Zurich staff.
ETH Zurich and its partner institutions also offer special locations for workshops, retreats, and conferences.
Events at ETH Zurich
Are you planning an exhibition, a leaflet drop, an event, or something similar on the premises of ETH Zurich?
Then get in touch with the Events team for professional advice and support in organising your event.
All activities and events (outside the department’s own spaces) require a permit.
Raumbezogene Serviceportale
An overview of additional websites offering room-related services and information, such as
- the Real Estate Services Portal
- Orientation, buildings and plans (current floor plans, escape routes, and location plans), and the
- Furniture catalogue (orders, returns, repairs, relocations – currently only available in German)
can be found under Rooms and building services.
Research infrastructure
There are various technology platforms available to support research activities at ETH Zurich. These feature modern infrastructure to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and shared use. More information is available at Research infrastructure.