Support Services

We offer support, training and tips for all stakeholders and situations. Students with specific concerns, infrastructure managers, learning content creators or lecturers.

We are currently working on a wide range of training offers, courses and workshops to promote accessibility at the ETH.

If you want to start implementing accessibility measures at your department, institute or chair today, we are happy to support and advise you in a pragmatic and client-oriented way.

We are here to help you. Pragmatically and efficiently.

Please contact Dr. Anton Bolfing

For Lecturers and Content Creators

Are you involved in the development and creation of electronic content and want to ensure its accessibility? This is the right place.

Check out our training offerings

FAQs & Quick Wins

Do you have specific questions about improving the accessibility of your digital content?

In our FAQs you will find concrete, practical tips and guidance.

For Students

Do you study or work at ETH, and are you hindered by unnecessary accessibility flaws? Contact us and we will look for joint solutions.

Send your request anonymously


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Dr. Anton Bolfing
Lecturer at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • +41 44 632 58 29
  • vCard Download

Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
Haldenbachstr. 44
8006 Zürich

Dr.  Anton Bolfing