Blog posts on health

Medicine has yet to tap the potential of digitalisation


Portrait picture of Jörg Goldhahn

Despite digitalisation being a mainstay in many areas of life, the healthcare sector is lagging behind. Jörg Goldhahn explains what the medical field can learn from banks and travel companies.

by Prof. Jörg Goldhahn

The future of work: 3/2, 2/3, or 0/4?

  • Social issues
  • Health
  • Digitalisation
Portraitphoto of Gudela Grote

How productive are we when we work from home? It’s an increasingly common question. But Gudela Grote believes it’s the wrong question, because it says more about our conceptions of human nature than about effective ways of working.

by Prof. Gudela Grote

We must face the ethical challenges of engineering life

  • Health
  • Zukunftsblog
Prof. Daniel Müller

Scientists have a duty to initiate a dialogue with the public on cellular engineering, says Daniel Müller. The discussion must be held now – before complex engineered cellular systems are ready for widespread use in humans.

by Prof. Daniel Müller

Making CRISPR hype more of a reality


Eric Arid

The latest CRISPR-based genome editing systems function more like molecular taxis rather than a pair of molecular scissors. This makes them much safer for patients who will soon benefit from gene therapies, as Eric Aird explains.

by Dr. Eric Aird

Everyone should have to decide

  • Health
  • Social issues
Agata Ferretti

A presumed consent system for organ donation, which is to be put to the vote in Switzerland, would likely increase the organ donation rate, writes bioethicist Agata Ferretti. In her view, however, there is an even better solution: the obligation to decide.

by Dr. Agata Ferretti

When it comes to forecasts, politics fails more often than science

  • Health
  • Sustainability
Reto Knutti

Politicians and the media struggle with predictions. This is more a problem resulting from a poor understanding of uncertainties than from the reliability of models, argues Reto Knutti.

by Prof. Reto Knutti

The dark side of remote working

  • Health
  • Social issues
Erika Meins

Erika Meins explains the science behind why returning to the office is good for our performance as well as our well-being.   

by Dr. Erika Meins

Help rather than hinder

  • Health
  • Social issues
A mouse crawling on a hand

Johannes Bohacek explains why it’s misleading to think we can completely replace animal testing with alternative methods, and why we should lower rather than raise the hurdles to research.

by Prof. Johannes Bohacek

We should talk about animal testing

  • Health
  • Social issues

It’s a good thing if animal testing is widely discussed in society, says Detlef Günther, but it’s important that these discussions are fair and fact-based.

by Prof. Detlef Günther

How to best deal with unavoidable threats like that of the pandemic


A woman wearing a mask holds her hand against a window, two other hands are on the other side

José Antonio Pérez Escobar studied who was best able to cope with the pandemic. People who are able to deal with negative emotions were particularly successful. This skill can be learned, he says.  

by Dr. José Antonio Pérez Escobar
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