
Dear Reader,
what we call a library here isn’t a library in the classic sense. It is more a repository, a collection of pieces, selected by us and others, by different motivations, from various perspectives.
What the texts have in common is their focus on critical thinking in science, in the sciences and on the system of doing science. Published in highly respected journals or as marginalia in the local newspaper they found their way into “42”.
It is our ambition to share the texts and make them accessible for you, even if you lost the printed version by wrapping your recent catch at the fish monger. Because of copyright restriction we will not be able to make the texts downloadable for you (Except for some few). But we link you to the precise location where to find it.
Thus, providing the sources, we hope you can benefit from it in your own critical thinking discussions and quote in lectures, seminars and panels.
The Critical-Thinking-Team
The library is the pharmacy of the soul
(allegedly Ephesus)

"42" articles
Matthias Binswanger: Was die Wissenschaft weiss und was sie glaubt (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 15.09.2016) external page LINK
Eduard Kaeser: Googeln statt Wissen – Das postfaktische Zeitalter (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 22.08.2016) external page LINK
Reglement der EDK über die Anerkennung von gymnasialen Maturitätsausweisen (MAR) (14.06.2007) external page LINK
Richard Ernst: The Follies of Citation Indices ans Academic Ranking Lists (Chimia 64, 2010) external page LINK
Martin Stahl, Sabine Baier: How many molecules does it take to tell a Story? (ChemMedChem, 27.03.2015) external page LINK
Ludwik Fleck: Das Problem einer Theorie des Erkennens (From: Ludwik Fleck: Denkstile und Tatsachen. Suhrkamp Verlag. (First published in Polish language in 1936))
Matthias Daum: Und was ist mit unseren Problemen? (Die Zeit Nr. 26/2017) external page LINK
Eric T. Hansen: Lernt endlich kritisch denken! (Die Zeit online, 08.07.2014) external page LINK
Yuval Noah Harari: In big data we trust (Financial Times Magazine, 27.08.2016) external page LINK
Christie Aschwanden: Science Isn’t Broken (Five Thirty Eight, 19.08.2015) external page LINK
Daniel Sarewitz: Saving Science (The New Atlantis, 16.08.2016) external page LINK
Peter Bieri: Wie wäre es, gebildet zu sein? Festrede an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Bern, 04.11.2005 external page Link
Roland Reichenbach: In der Schule wird nicht gekauft, sondern gelernt. NZZ, 24.11.2016 external page Link
Otto Kruse: Kritisches Denken als Leitziel der Lehre. die hochschule 1/2010 external page Link
Stefan Schmitt et al.: Bis zum Besserwissen. Die Zeit 19/2017 external page Link
Dimitris Grammenos: Abba-Dabba-Ooga-Booga-Hooje-Gooje-Yabba-Dabba-Doo: Stupidity, Ignorance & Nonsense as Tools for Nurturing Creative Thinking. Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas. CHI EA’14, 2014. external page Link
Christian Weber: Forschungspolitik: Limitiert die Wörter! Süddeutsche Zeitung, 03.11.2017. external page Link
Stephen Jay Gould: The Median isn’t the message. external page Link
Peter Laudenbach: Und immer an den Hirschfaktor denken! brandeins 04/2016 external page Link
Paula Stephan et al.: Blinkered by bibliometrics. Nature, Vol. 544, 27-04-2017 external page Link
Timothy Gowers: The End of an error? The Times Literary Supplement, 24-10-2017 external page Link
Werner Heisenberg: Gespräche über das Verhältnis von Naturwissenschaft und Religion. Physikalische Blätter, 26. Jg., Heft 7, Juli 1970. external page Link
Bernard Dixon: Why Do Truffles Smell So Delicious? Microbe, Vol. 10, Number 12, 2015 external page Link
Elisabeth von Thadden: Wissenschaft: Wir können das nicht verantworten. Die Zeit 24/2015 external page Link
Tobias Rosefeldt: Für eine Universität ohne Mitarbeiter. Akademie Aktuell, 03-2015. external page Link
Dawn Bennett et al.: Teaching-only roles could markt he end of your academic career., 28-03-2017 external page Link
Shane M. Hanlon: Science politicians: a new path in non-academic careers., 26-01-2017 external page Link
Max Weber: Wissenschaft als Beruf. in: Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre. Hrsg. J. Winckelmann. Tübingen 1985, 6. Auflage. (Erstveröffentlichung des Textes: 1919) external page Link
Robinson Meyer: Why it’s okay to call it ‚Fake News‘. The Atlantic, 09-03-2018 external page Link
David M.J. Lazer et al.: The science of fake news. Science, Vol. 359, Issue 6380, 09-03-2018 external page Link
American Academy of Arts & Sciences: Public Trust in Vaccines: Defining a Research Agenda. A Report oft he AAAS, 2014. external page Link
Michael Hagner: Trump offenbart den Nutzen der Geisteswissenschaften. NZZ, 10.02.2017 external page Link
Milosz Matuschek: Der Homo facebookiensis. NZZ, 27.03.2018 external page Link
Wolfram Klingler: Silicon Valley’s Radical Machine Cult., 11-10-2017 external page Link
Claus Priesner: Die Kaffeefälscher. Kultur & Technik, 40, 3/2016 external page Link
Robert C. Bishop: Reduction, Emergence and Critical Thinking. Essay written for the CTETH-Reader „42“, May 2018. Link
Antonio Regalado: A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that’s “100 percent fatal”. MIT Technology Review, 13-03-2018 external page Link
Jacques Dubochert: Why is it so difficult to accept Darwin’s theory of evolution? Bioessays 33: 240–242, 2011 external page Link
Rainer Kuhlen: Wissensökonomie und Wissensökologie zusammen denken. In: Silke Helfrich und Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Hg.): Commons: Für eine neue Politik jenseits von Markt und Staat (2012) external page Link
Martin Etzrodt: Decentralizing Science. Elephant in the Lab, 13-02-2018. external page Link
Paul Barach: The Tragedy of Fritz Haber: The Monster Who Fed The World., 02-08-2016 external page Link
Thomas T. Hills: Does my algorithm have a mental-health problem?, 26-03-2018 external page Link
Holly Cave: From STEM to STEAM: The art of creative engineering. PE Magazine, 10 Nov 2017. external page Link
Kieran Healy: Fuck Nuance. Sociological Theory, Vol. 35(2), 2017, p. 118-127. external page Link
Thomas Ribi: Wozu wissen? Lieber googeln! NZZ, 05. Oktober 2016. external page Link
Adrian Lobe: Fragen ankreuzen kann jeder, auch ein Computer: Wenn Bots wissenschaftliche Daten schaffen. NZZ, 07. September 2018.
external page Link
Max Born et al.: The Russell-Einstein-Manifesto. Issued in London, 9 July 1955, aus: DJF-Quarterly 01/2004. external page Link
Leonard E. Read: I, Pencil. 2006, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York 10533, ISBN 1-57246-209-4. external page Link
Atul Gawande: The Mistrust of Science. The New Yorker, 10. June 2016. external page Link
Effy Vayena und Marcello Ienca: Es geht nicht nur um Datenschutz. NZZ, 27. March 2018. external page Link
Publish and don’t be damned. Economist, 23. June 2016. external page Link
Paul E. Smaldino and Richard McElreath: The natural selection of bad science. Royal Society open Science, 2. July 2017. external page Link
Sabine Hossenfelder: Yes, women in science still have a disadvantage. BackReAction – Blogspot, 11. October 2018. external page Link
Axel Meyer: Diversität zählt mehr als Wahrheit. NZZ, 12. September 2018. external page Link
Ed Yong: Animals Keep Creating Mysteries by Sounding Weird . The Atlantic, 8. January 2019. external page Link
Eduard Kaeser: Vorsicht Tunnelblick! NZZ, 2. February 2019. external page Link
Konrad Paul Liessmann: Das Verschwinden des Wissens. NZZ, 15. September 2014. external page Link
Konstantin Kakaes: How Gobbledygook Ended Up in Respected Scientific Journals. Future Tense, 27. February 2014. external page Link
Robert W. Yeh et al.: Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma when jumping from aircraft: randomized controlled trial. the bmj, 13. December 2018. external page Link
Alexander Oettl: Honour the helpful. Nature, 27. September 2012. external page Link
Stasa Milojevic et al.: Changing demographics of scientific careers: The rise of the temporary workforce. PNAS, 11. December 2018. external page Link
Olga Khazan: The More Gender Equality, the Fewer Women in STEM. The Atlantic, 18. February 2018. external page Link
Girma Zawdie: Knowledge exchange and the Third Mission of universities. Industry and Higher Education, 24, June 2010. external page Link
League of European Research Universities: Productive interactions: societal impact of academic research in the knowledge society. LERU position paper, March 2017. external page Link
Eileen Parkes: Scientific progress is built on failure. Nature, 10. January 2019. external page Link
Fritz Breithaupt und Martin Kolmar: Wo Experten zögern. Die Zeit, 5. July 2018. external page Link
Bastiaan t Rutjens: What makes people distrust science?. Aeon, 28. May 2018. external page Link

Reading recommendations
Luc Saner: Studium generale: Auf dem Weg zu einem allgemeinen Teil der Wissenschaften (Springer Spektrum, 2013) external page Link
Atul Gawande: Why Doctors hate their computers (The New Yorker, 12.11.2018) external page Link