Subject-related preparation

Your academic high school education has prepared you well for your ETH studies. However, if you have taken a long break before your studies we recommend brushing up on your subject knowledge.

Starting classes prepared

Many factors will make the start to your studies a success. The most important are enthusiasm for your subject, independent working methods, discipline and up-to-date remembrance of what you learned at school.

Brushing up on working methods and subject knowledge

Is it a while since you completed your Matura or school-leaving qualification? Would you like to brush up on a theme or two, or on working methods?

Ways to brush up on your school subjects

ETH Zurich offers a few ways to brush up on your school subjects:

Language skills in German and English

The main thing is to start fresh!

Start your first semester at ETH Zurich feeling fresh and relaxed! If you don’t have much free time before starting your studies, consciously plan a break and use your free time to gather your energy.