Transcript of Records / Academic Record

Transcript of Records

Via myStudies ETH students may view and/or print out all of the decreed results in the transcript of records. The transcript of records may be issued as an original in either German or English. However, it must be signed by an official of ETH. A transcript of records confirms the student’s current academic status during his/her studies or after an early withdrawal. It is not a graduation document in the sense of the final academic record. It lists no overall average grade.

Academic Record

Graduates of teaching diploma or teaching certificate programmes automatically receive an English translation («Academic Record, Decree Translation») together with the original German degree certificate (the «original»). The Diploma Supplement is bilingual (German and English).

For translations of academic records and certificates in connection with the Swiss federal gymnastics and sports teaching diploma (Eidg. dipl. Turn- und Sportlehrer) please see here.