General tips on selecting a Bachelor's study programme
Are you just starting to think about choosing a study programme? Here are some tips on how to best go about it.
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Study programme selection as a process
Selecting a study programme is an important decision-making process which needs to be addressed gradually. Please take your time to go through the following steps.
When you start considering your study programme options, take a conscious look at your interests, abilities and values. Ask yourself questions like:
- Where do I stand?
- What motivates me?
- What am I good at?
- What is important to me?
For tips on approaching these questions, see here.
You know what you like, what you are good at and what you want. Now you probably have the following questions:
- What degree programmes would suit me?
- How do I find them?
- How do I get an overview of the wide range of degree programmes?
For links and literature on the entire range of study programmes in Switzerland, see here.
Are you interested in the range of ETH study programmes? See here for ETH degree programmes and general information on ETH student life.
A good decision takes time, thought and gut feeling. It requires weighing of the facts, discussions with family, and friends. You might also want to consult with study programme advisors. Plan enough time for sober consideration.
Use our help options to make your decision on an ETH degree programme easier.
Apply to the educational institution of your choice.
If you have decided to study at ETH Zurich, you can register or apply here. Please check and respect the deadlines.
To prepare for your studies in the best way, use the help options offered by your future university. Here are some tips for an ideal start to your studies at ETH Zurich.
Selecting a study programme means looking at both Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes
The choice of Bachelor’s degree programme also determines the later Master’s degree programme to a great extent. Small changes of direction during your studies are possible, but require good preparation. Alterations that are more significant mean completing a second Bachelor’s degree. Get information early on the possible Master’s degree programmes at the respective university.