Recognition of study achievements from other universities

Request for the recognition of study achievements on Bachelor level

When can I submit a request?

  • Autumn Semester: 1 August until the end of the forth semester week
  • Spring Semester: 1 January until the end of the forth semester week

You may submit a request for the recognition of study achievements from other universities, i.e. for a waiver of the respective ETH performance assessments, only when

  • you are matriculated at ETH Zurich and
  • all relevant study achievements at your home university have been completed.

Programme deadlines not affected

The deadlines for undertaking performance assessments and for completing your studies are not affected by submitting a request for recognition. Until the Admissions Office has confirmed a change in writing, you have to register for all courses and exams by the given deadlines.

How do I submit a request?

Submit your request by e-mail to the Admissions Office Include the following supporting documents in one pdf document (max 5MB):

  1. A request that includes your name, address and ETH student number
  2. A table juxtaposing the ETH study achievements for which you are requesting a waiver and the corresponding study achievements from your home university, see Download example table (PDF, 109 KB)
  3. A chronological CV without any biographical gaps
  4. A copy of your official transcript
  5. The official course content of your home university, including a detailed description which is either published by the university or a version officially approved by the university, both to include hours per week.
  6. Proof of payment of CHF 50

All documents must be submitted in their original language, along with official translations, if they are not issued in German, French, Italian or English.

What happens next?

The Admissions Office checks your documentation and forwards the request to the Director of Studies of your degree programme. The Director of Studies decides which study achievements may be recognised in the form of ECTS credits. All other study achievements must be acquired at ETH Zurich to obtain your Bachelor's degree. This individual evaluation takes several weeks. The decision will be sent to you by e-mail by the Admissions Office. This might involve an adjustment of the semester in which you are enrolled.


General restrictions

Art. 43 of the external page Regulations Concerning the Admission to ETH Zurich (in German) sets out the basis for awarding ECTS credits in recognition of previous study achievements.
Art. 44, ‘Particular stipulations for the Bachelor’s degree level’, sets out the maximum number of credits which may be recognised, as follows:

  1. 120 ECTS credits, if acquired at ETH Zurich or EPF Lausanne
  2. 60 ECTS credits, if acquired at another university

(1.) does not apply to readmissions to the same ETH Zurich Bachelor’s degree programme.

Restrictions regarding "Science in Perspective"

Credits for compulsory electives in the area of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences "Science in Perspective" must be acquired during an ETH Zurich degree course and cannot be recognised.

Restrictions regarding first-year examinations

The waiver of examinations from ETH Zurich’s first-year examinations is also subject to the stipulations set out in Art. 24 of the directive Restrictions on study programme selection, change of degree programme, re-entry to ETH Zurich and recognition of study achievements.

  • Partial waivers (e.g. a semester course belonging to a year course) are not permitted.
  • Courses that are part of the first-year examinations can only be waived, if at least 30 ECTS were achieved during the first year of study at your previous university.