Personal advice on selecting a Bachelor's study programme

Are you in the process to choose a study programme, and have specific questions about our Bachelor’s degree programmes? We would be happy to advise you.

Possible consulting topics

The ETH Zurich Study Advisory Service provides advice on our Bachelor’s degree programmes. The following topics might be discussed:

  • What ETH Bachelor's degree programmes correspond with my interests, abilities and values?
  • Are ETH studies an option for me?
  • I cannot decide between two Bachelor's degree programmes. What decision-making tools are available?
  • Some subjects I could also study at another university. What are the differences between studies at anuniversity and at ETH?
  • What professional fields can I enter after my studies?

Please note that the ETH Zurich Study Advisory Service Team cannot answer any questions regarding admission. Please contact the Admissions Office directly with such questions (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programmes).

Arranging an appointment

To arrange a personal consultation, please contact us using the contact form (German only). These consultations are free of charge. We are open from Monday to Friday.

Preparing for the consultation

Prepare yourself for the consultation properly. Use the information on our website and take notes of your questions.

Other advisory offices

Please contact the responsible offices directly if you have any questions about the following: