Bachelor Mechanical Engineering

A sound technological basis and a wide horizon provide the basis for the work of mechanical engineers at the interfaces where electronics, computer science, mechanics, thermo-dynamics and chemistry meet and where products, systems and processes are developed, calculated and planned.

Career profile

Mechanical engineers develop many varied products, ranging from tiny microsensors for medical technology and highly efficient energy plants to applications for automotive and aviation engineering. They use computers to design new machine tools or construct wheelchairs that can climb stairs.

In the process engineering field, for example, they control industrial, biotechnical or chemical processes. They also assume management tasks in companies, work as quality or risk assessment experts in the service industry (evaluating fire and explosion hazards, for example), draw up production forecasts, and work in the field of strategic consultancy. Their professional environment is internationally oriented.

Bachelor's degree program (180 credits)

In the first four semesters, basic theoretical knowledge of mechanical engineering is acquired in compulsory subjects. In the fifth and sixth semester, students attend electives in their main areas of interest. In the fifth semester, they select a focus specialization or a focus project. They conclude their studies with the Bachelor’s thesis that is written in the sixth semester.

  • General basic courses: Mathematics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics
  • Basic courses in engineering: Product Development, Control Engineering, Thermodynamics, etc.
  • Focus specialization: Engineering for Health; Design, Mechanics and Materials; Energy, Flows and Processes; Mechatronics and Robotics; Microsystems and Nanotechnology; Production Technology; Management, Technology and Economics
    or Focus project
  • Innovation project, electives, Bachelor’s thesis

Please see the German page for details: Maschineningenieurwissenschaften

Master's degree program Mechanical Engineering (90 credits)

  • Core Course
  • Multidisciplinary Courses
  • Semester project
  • Industrial Internship
  • Master’s thesis (6 months)

Master's degree program in Process Engineering (90 credits)

  • Core Courses
  • Multidisciplinary Courses
  • Semester project
  • Industrial Internship
  • Master’s thesis (6 months)