Digital Skills

A series about essential digital skills for the today and in the future of teaching in higher education

Filmstill Digitalisierung aus dem Video: Digitalisierung an Hochschulen, 2021.


MOOC Digital Skills and Media Competencies for University Teachers

Scientific films have a long tradition in research and thus also in higher education. However, this has become enormously more important especially with the advent of so-called "Massive Open Online Courses" (MOOC) and since the rapid increase in the number of videos on public platforms such as YouTube, etc.

Producing a teaching/learning video therefore does not just mean pressing 'record' on the camera. Rather, it means expressing oneself audiovisually as well as participating in a transfer of knowledge and being able to move in the digital world. It also means being aware of the historical and cultural codes of science videos as well as current discourses around the topic of "videos in teaching".

Our learning media provide an insight into the complex world of videos in higher education, starting from a primarily theoretical perspective. Fundamental to this is the question of how this audiovisual medium or audiovisual perception actually works and how videos can be used in a scientifically sound, but also didactically meaningful way to make a constructive contribution to contemporary university teaching. In the course of this, both the own specifics of videos are presented and exemplary insights into the codes of audiovisual knowledge transfer are opened. The aim of the following chapters is to get to know video as a language for scientific topics as well as to get inspiration on how the medium can be used critically and reflectively in the context of academic teaching.

Storyboard Digitalisierung an Hochschulen
Storyboard Excerpt sketching the first draft of the final filmstill image from above.
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Audiovisuelle Wahrnehmung - oder wie funktioniert Video? 2021
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Präsenz vor der Kamera - warum ist das so schwierig? 2021
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Mediendidaktische Aspekte, 2021
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Wissenschaftsvideos - Kritik und Potenzial, 2021
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Lehr- und Lernkulturen in einer globalisierten, digitalen Welt
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Corona - oder die Chancen einer neuen digitalen Ära, 2021
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Was ist Social Video Learning? 2021

Video: Digitalisierung an Hochschulen

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Digitalisierung an Hochschulen, 2021

Storyboard Digitization at Universities

Godard Zitat
Filmstill aus "Audiovisuelle Wahrnehmung", 2021.