Old-age pensions

The old-age pension, which is based on the “three-pillar” system, is one of Switzerland’s greatest achievements. It underlines the sense of solidarity between the generations that is firmly rooted in the country. Old-age and survivors’ insurance (AHV) is financed on a pay-as-you-go basis, i.e. the contributions of the younger people in work are used to pay for pensions.

Invalidity insurance (IV): Swiss invalidity insurance (IV) forms part of the first and second pillars. It provides protection against the financial consequences of invalidity, promotes the reintegration of those unable to work, and safeguards pension payments if reintegration is not possible. IV contributions are mandatory and are covered by AHV and pension fund contributions.

Retirement age: In Switzerland, the current legal retirement age is 64 years for women and 65 years for men. As a result of the OASI reform 21 (AHV 21) and after a transitional period, the OASI reference age of 65 years will apply to both men and women in Switzerland, starting from 2028. At ETH early retirement may be taken from the age of 60.

Our salary calculator can help you calculate the AHV and pension fund contributions that will be deducted from your salary.

Disclaimer Please note: The information on this page is meant for information purposes only. No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information. The rules and regulations may have changed in the meantime. For legally binding information please contact the responsible authority.