National Centres of Competence in Research

The external page Swiss National Science Foundation established the National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCR) as a long-term funding programme for promoting research on topics of strategic importance to the Swiss academic landscape, economy, and society.

NCCRs are characterised by excellent and internationally visible research and put special emphasis on knowledge and technology transfer, training, and the promotion of women. They are also regularly embedded into and reinforce the existing scientific structures.

Currently, a total of external page 14 NCCRs are running, with ETH Zurich being the home institution for 7 NCCRs. ETH Zurich is the Leading House for the following three NCCRs:

ETH Zurich is the Co-Leading House of four NCCRs:

Dr. Matthias Unterburger
  • HCP J 15.1
  • +41 44 632 04 64
  • vCard Download

Forschungsinitiativen u. -infrast.
Leopold-Ruzicka-Weg 4
8093 Zürich