Billing and Refund - Swiss Health insurance

Billing procedure and how to get your money back

A) After a visit to the doctor

After you have seen a doctor you have to do the following:

  1. Wait for the doctor’s bill which usually is sent to your address a few weeks after the treatment and includes the bill (with a payment slip, payable within 30 days) and a reimbursement certificate ("Rückforderungsbeleg", see example).
  2. Pay the bill to the doctor within 30 days
  3. Send the reimbursement certificate to your insurance company according to the instructions:
    • Academic Care: use the external page GMapp or by post
    • coverio: via online form under "Service" on the external page coverio website
    • Scorestudies: use the app external page MyHealth or send your bills by email to external page
    • Student Care: use the external page SWICA invoice app or by post
    • Swisscare: via online claim form in the "documents center" on the external page Swisscare website
    • KVG insurance plan: follow the instructions you received from your insurance company
  4. Wait for the money to be paid to your account.

If your insurance company is too slow with the reimbursement and you are unable to pay the doctor’s bill, please call the doctor’s practice and ask them to stop any legal proceeding!

B) Hospital treatment

If you have been treated in a hospital, the bill is directly sent to your insurance company. In this case you will receive the bill for the deductible/cost contribution directly from your health insurance company. You have to pay that bill and cannot claim anything back!