Goal 5: Gender Equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Gender inequality is one of the biggest obstacles to sustainable development, economic growth and poverty reduction. Goal 5 advocates equal opportunities for men and women in economic life, the elimination of all forms of violence against women and girls, the elimination of early and forced marriage, and equal participation at all levels.
Source: www.eda.admin.ch/agenda2030 (edited)
Contributions of ETH Zurich (examples)
Within the framework of its core areas of research, education, campus and dialog with society, ETH Zurich contributes to Goal 5, for example, by the following activities:
Building equity into the food system

In the agroecological transitions group, significant strides are being made to bring equity into the global food system by exposing unequal power relations. By focusing on power dynamics rooted in gender, age, and culture, the research highlights the need for balanced participation in decision-making within the food industry. In countries like Brazil and Kenya, collaborations with local NGOs have led to the formation of cooperatives, enabling small-scale dairy farmers, primarily women, to directly market their products. Systemic agroecological research showcases that collaborative food systems built by local communities result in increased security, sustainability, and equity. Read more here.
Equal Opportunities and Diversity
ETH Diversity, ETH Zurich's Office of Equal Opportunities and Diversity, promotes issues such as the career development of women in the academic field or the integration of gender-specific aspects into research and teaching at ETH Zürich. The office publishes an annual Equality Monitoring Report and collaborates in various national and international networks. The ETH Diversity office furthers equity by advising on policies, supporting initiatives, and driving cultural shifts to value equal opportunities. By breaking down barriers in academia, they not only advocate for justice but also harness academic talent more effectively. Their efforts align with multiple Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing quality education, gender equality, reduced inequalities, and fostering an inclusive environment. Diverse and inclusive academia yields tangible benefits for both the institution and society at large. Read more here.
Supporting Women Scientists
ETH Zurich supports the ETH Women Professors Forum (external page ETH WPF), which encourages young women to pursue a career in science or engineering. All women professors of ETH Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (external page EPFL) are entitled to become a member of the Forum.
Two Researchers - One Family
Dr. Renana and Dr. Roi Poranne both conduct research and work at ETH Zurich: Renana in chemistry, Roi in computer science. In this ETH Podcast, the dedicated researchers and parents of two small children talk about how they manage life between research and family.
Promoting Gender Equality
Various scientific groups conduct research on diversity issues, for example at the Chair of Work and Organizational Psychology on gender aspects in health management or at the Chair of Technology and Innovation Management on diversity, innovation und collective intelligence.
Promoting Women
ETH Zurich welcomes interested young women at the Computer Science Taster Course, or at joint events of female mechanical engineers and female electrical engineers (more information only available in German).
Lived Sustainability on Campus
Tackling Problems
With the Gender Action Plan (GAP), ETH Zurich has committed itself to promoting equal opportunities for women and men. As these goals have not been achieved, yet, further efforts are needed.
Combining Research and Family
ETH Zurich considers itself to be an institution and employer offering its members adequate balance between studies and career, on the one hand, and family duties, on the other hand. For example Sebastian Schemm, assistant professor at the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science (IAC) and father of two small children, is setting up a research group which is investigating atmospheric circulation and its effects on weather and climate.