Academic Integrity

In the age of generative artificial intelligence, it is all the more important to uphold academic integrity at all times by ensuring that lecturers, students and staff adhere to the principles of responsibility, transparency and fairness.

Integrity as an attitude

The principle of scientific integrity not only applies to research, but should also be actively practised in teaching. Generative AI blurs the previously known boundaries between fact and fiction. This is why the ‘human-in-the-loop’ is always needed to validate and scrutinise results and check for biases. This responsible and transparent approach is a cornerstone of academic integrity.

Scientific work

Lecturers are encouraged to establish rules and guidelines regarding the use of generative artificial intelligence for assignments, projects and assessments in their courses. There are no universally applicable solutions, so clear communication between lecturers and students is all the more important. The definition of these rules can also be part of the discussion within the course, through which pragmatic and fair solutions can be jointly developed and subsequently documented.

If AI tools are used contrary to the lecturer's instructions, the existing processes continue to apply. Violations such as the use of unauthorised tools or failure to disclose their use will be subject to disciplinary action (see also external page Disziplinarverordnung ETH Zurich).