Learning a language

The external page Language Center of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich is run jointly by the two Zurich universities and offers a wide range of language courses and language learning opportunities.

The language courses are open to all members of the ETH Zürich and the University of Zurich.

If you would like to learn German, you will find a wide range of semester courses (usually with one double lesson per week) at all language levels from A1 to C2 in the German as a foreign language section. Please bear in mind that you should attend courses at one level over several semesters until you can move up to the next level.

The courses take place both at ETH centre and on Hönggerberg, and there is also the option of online courses. If you are coming to Zurich without any knowledge of German and would like to acquire the basics quickly, you should preferably attend a "Highspeed German" course, which takes place twice a week.

You can also teach yourself language skills in the external page Self-Access Center.

Please note that it will depend on your supervising professorship as to whether any ECTS credits awarded by the Language Center will be recognised.

Languages at work

If you want to advance in your career following your employment at ETH Zurich in Switzerland, you need to master at least one of the three main national languages. Language skills are essential for anyone working in Switzerland and the required standard is often very high. The federal offices in Bern, for instance, usually require knowledge of French as well as German.

Financial support

The average fees for language courses are around CHF 486.00. ETH Zurich advises professorships to subsidise language course fees for doctoral students and scientific staff. Approach your professor and ask for financial assistance.