Sustainable and Inclusive Events
More than 2500 events are organised at ETH every year. The guides for Sustainable and Inclusive Events support the organisers of ETH events in contributing to the ETH Zurich climate goals and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Guides for "Sustainable and Inclusive Events"

The following guides are available for download in an accessible version:
Download Guide #1 (PDF, 930 KB) for Bachelor's/Master's celebrations and networking events with aperitifs at ETH locations.
Download Guide #2 (PDF, 1 MB) for conferences, congresses, trade fairs and exhibitions at ETH locations with external attendees.
Download Guide #3 (PDF, 1.1 MB) for conferences, congresses, trade fairs and exhibitions outside ETH.
Awarded events with the ‘Sustainable Event GOLD’ or the ‘Sustainable Event SILVER’ label

Sustainable Event GOLD
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Masterfeier D-MATH 2025, 20.05.2025 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom ID-Mitarbeitenden-Info Januar 2025, 28.01.25 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Master's Graduation Ceremony, D-MAVT, 12.6.25 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Panel Discussion Women in Science, 05.03.25 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Liebes Fräulein Herz - Archivgepsräch mit Holger Pils, 21.05.25 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Fachtagung Dialog Grün: Nachhaltiger Pflanzenschutz, 10.6.25 (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Sustainable Event GOLD
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom SL-Weihnachtsapéro 2024, 19.12.24 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom RESPONSE Symposium 2024, 05.12.24 (PDF, 2.6 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom D-EAPS Christmas Apéro 2024, 05.12.24 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Sustainability Summit 2024, 28.11.24 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom ALEA & Diversity Award, 26.11.24 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom 11 Jahre TdLab Alumni & Public Event 2024, 20.11.24 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom General Assembly IBZ, 18.11.24 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom VPPL Jahresendparty 2024, 18.11.24 (PDF, 3.2 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Sustainable University Day 2024, 12.11.24 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Energy Week 2024, 8. - 11.11.24 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom 17:15 Kolloquium 2024, 31.10.24, 21.11.24 (PDF, 1.6 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Food Day @ETH, 30.10.24 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom ETH-Klimarunde, 29.10.24 (PDF, 1.6 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Rock your Master's 2024, 20.10.24 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom 20 Jahre Forschungsgruppe Atmosphärenphysik, 4./5.10.24 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Downloadvertical_align_bottom Rethinking Migration - with Hein de Haas, 19.09.24 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Sustainable Event SILVER
Downloadvertical_align_bottom Medicine @ETH Day 2024, 04.09.24 (PDF, 2.5 MB)
“We, the ETH+ RobotX Initiative, have implemented the measures according to Guide #2 for the RobotX Innovation Day 2024 and communicated them to all guests and participants.”Maria Trodella, staff member of the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS)![]()
A common ETH standard for sustainable and inclusive events
In the interest of excellence, ETH Zurich aims to offer events of the highest quality while being as sustainable and inclusive as possible. With the publication of the three guides and the introduction of the silver and gold labels, new guidelines have been created. The task now is to integrate and embed these standards in ETH's event planning processes. By implementing the measures for greater sustainability in the events sector, every event at ETH, large or small, can contribute to this.
ETH Zurich pursues sustainability in its strategic guidelines. The 2030 Agenda and 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals specify environmental, social and economic sustainability.
More than 2500 events take place at ETH Zurich every year, which have a significant impact on the university's carbon footprint. In particular, events with international participants have a high resource consumption due to travel and accommodation, which could be reduced by using hybrid forms, for example. For all events, careful planning can lead to significant savings, especially in catering, which is particularly important for smaller events.
Social issues such as diversity and inclusion are also key to the sustainability of an event. This includes issues such as the gender balance of keynote speakers, the compatibility of events with family life, and the accessibility of venues and programme content.

More and more people at ETH want to organise their events in a sustainable way. As existing guidelines do not provide concrete "good practice" measures, specific measures have been developed with the involvement of various ETH units (ETH Sustainability, ETH Event Management/Campus Services, ETH Diversity, SGU, Community & Outreach and the Student Sustainability Committee). These measures are intended to support event organisers in planning and implementing sustainable and inclusive events in line with the 2030 Agenda. A sustainable and inclusive event is one that is organised in an environmentally and socially responsible way, while remaining economically viable.

“Sustainability, a general sparing use of resources and the consideration of inclusivity aspects are very important to us within the VPPL. We are therefore particularly pleased that the design of our last VPPL year-end party was awarded the GOLD Label.”Michaela Seikel, staff member of the Office of the Vice President for People Development and Leadership (VPPL)![]()
Be awarded with the "Sustainable Event GOLD" and "Sustainable Event SILVER" labels
Anyone who consciously organises their event in a sustainable and inclusive way can now be awarded a label: 'Sustainable Event SILVER' and 'Sustainable Event GOLD'.
These labels are currently only awarded for internal ETH events (Guides #1 and #2) and are currently not available for external events (Guide #3).
The labels will be awarded as part of a pilot project that will run until at least the end of 2024.
Minimum requirements for a label application:
To be eligible for a label, an event must have a certain complexity and fulfil at least two of the following criteria:
- There is a substantial aperitif with drinks and a variety of food products
- Several people external to ETH attend the event
- There are various materials that can be reduced, designed sustainably or avoided (merchandise, gifts, giveaways or decoration).
If you have any questions, please contact

How does the labelling process work?
- If you are organising an event at ETH, you fill in either Guide #1 or Guide #2, depending on the type of event, and plan your event accordingly. The correct completion of the guide is mainly based on personal responsibility and no audits are carried out.
- ETH Sustainability and ETH Eventmanagement are available free of charge for advice and labelling.
- The completed guide must be sent to no later than three weeks before the event. ETH Sustainability or ETH Event Management will then get back to you.
- In order to receive the "Sustainable Event SILVER" label, 70% of the measures in the corresponding guide must be implemented. For a 'Sustainable Event GOLD' label, 85% of the measures must be implemented.
- Once all outstanding issues have been resolved and the 'green light' has been given, the organiser receives the label for communication purposes. There is also a label poster that can be printed and displayed at the event. The event will be listed under 'Label events' on the Sustainable and Inclusive Events website.
What are the benefits of the label
By implementing the measures, any event, large or small, can contribute to a sustainable and inclusive ETH. A label gives your event visibility and you can lead by example!
Frequently asked questions
Further information is available in the Download FAQ (PDF, 338 KB).
Help us improve the guides and labels!
We look forward to receiving your feedback via the external page external online form or via e-mail.
Thank you very much for your help!