Use outside ETH Zurich
This page describes how to use the graphical versions of the ETH Competence Framework outside ETH Zurich.

ETH members should use the graphical versions of the ETH Competence Framework listed on this web page when collaborating with external partners for competence development purposes. Furthermore, ETH members should request a reference to the ETH copyright from their external partners if ETH graphics (like those below) or the textual framework are used.
There are two graphical versions that ETH members can use to promote the ETH Competence Framework in their partnership for competence development: the standard version (external) and the domains-version (external). These versions must be integrated into joint templates (e.g., slides decks displaying the ETH Zurich logo with other logos) or external websites of ETH partners that implement the concept of the ETH Competence Framework.
All the materials are available in English and German and in two formats (.png and .svg). The colours-version (external) or its variations are available upon request. For any further uses of, or questions about, the ETH Competence Framework, please contact
Standard version (external)

It displays the four competency domains and the related competencies. ETH members can use it as an overview of the framework for external partners with which they collaborate for the fostering of competencies.
Domains-version (external)

It displays only the competency domains of the ETH Competence Framework. ETH members can use it with external institutions to summarise the holistic competence framework fostered by their joint programme or collaboration.
Copyright reference and examples
The ETH Competence Framework was developed by ETH Zurich.
Any organisation or individual that intends to use the framework either entirely or partially is requested to make an explicit reference to ETH Zurich. Below, you can find a few reference examples for using the textual or graphical ETH Competence Framework. If you have questions, please contact
Use of the textual framework
"We classified our offer based on the ETH Competence Framework, a framework developed by ETH Zurich. For further information, visit"
"ETH Competence Framework, a framework developed by ETH Zurich. Reference:"
Curriculum and Faculty Development
Rector's Staff
Strategic Initiatives