Globe 22/02: Beauty and science

Beauty and science: What unites them, what divides them – and how they complement one another
The bond between beauty and science may well run deeper than we think. That’s what we learned from talking to scientists in diverse disciplines.
The beauty and benefits of biodiversity

Biodiversity is beautiful, but it’s also vitally important. ETH researchers are getting to the heart of how species diversity and genetic diversity evolve – and why we must fight to preserve them.
Calculate or co-create?

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder – yet how do we find consensus on a shared amenity such as a neighbourhood? We took a stroll with two ETH architects to discover how they see their role as mediators between the conflicting priorities of urban consolidation, functionalism and aesthetics.
Staying positive in challenging times

Linda Maduz has great faith in people’s – and society’s – resilience and in their capacity for positive development, even in politically turbulent times.
…as they search for beauty
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At its heart, is mathematics an aesthetic discipline? Or what does it mean if someone finds a proof “beautiful”? And what does mathematical beauty say about physical connections?
Getting into the air
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Eight ETH students are working on battery and hydrogen versions of an electric aircraft as part of the e-Sling focus project. For the past year, their lives have revolved around Hangar 3 at the Innovation Park Zurich in Dübendorf.
An entrepreneur through and through
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ETH alumnus Christoph Rennhard runs a company that develops precision machines for the global market. The keys to his success are technical expertise, customer orientation and talented staff – plus the ability of his SME to respond faster than big corporations.
The fascination of images
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Images play an important role in science and science communication. They have always held a powerful appeal, but the means of producing them – and the notion of how they should reflect reality – continue to evolve over time.
Colour vision
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Colours can be created in surprisingly different ways. And in addition to being pleasing to the eye, colour can also serve a useful purpose.
About Globe
Globe, the magazine of ETH Zurich and ETH Zurich Alumni, is issued jointly by ETH Zurich and the ETH Alumni Association.