Alfred Escher Prize for young innovators

Alle Gewinner

Alfred Escher would have celebrated his 200th birthday on 20 February. On this occasion, ETH Zurich awarded the Alfred Escher Prize to young innovators. Read more in the ETH News.

The winners

Category 1, 17 to 20 years old: Jeremias Baur

edVR is a virtual learning environment for MINT subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology). The aim of the application is to extend conventional teaching and to gain a better and deeper understanding of the subject matter by means of interactive, safe experiments.

2nd place: Leonardo Rössler, Light-reflecting display based on thermochromic pigments

3rd place: Théophile Ischer, Aquaponie

Category 2, 21 to 25 years old: Silvia Lama

Musa is a game to change the music lesson. The software recognizes the sounds of a real keyboard instrument and gives immediate feedback. The children move through the game playing music.

2nd place: Yvan Monneron, Jan Schilliger, Dominique Gaschen, Snowhaze

3rd place: Gregory Inauen, Doré de Morsier, Aurel Neff, Eurotube

The criteria

The jury evaluated the entries according to these criteria:

  • Innovative and bold: it surprises with new solutions, dares to enter new territory and can also be a bit cheeky
  • Relevant and society-oriented: it satisfies a societal need. It has the potential to be implemented as a product or service. It is therefore evidence of entrepreneurial spirit.
  • It is well thought out, clearly structured and persuasively presented.
  • It has a relationship to the natural sciences and technology
The jury (left to right): Detlef Günther (ETH Zurich, chairperson), Roger Wüthrich-Hasenböhler (Swisscom), Suzanne Thoma (BKW), Marjan Kraak (ETH Zurich), Hans Baumgartner (Credit Suisse)