Master Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems

Sustainable spatial and infrastructure development in general and the development of urban landscapes in particular depend on the input of well-trained specialists and scientists. In this context an economical approach to the natural, sometimes scarce resources soil, water and air is a challenge. The expansion of human settle­ments and the worldwide trend towards urbanisation are contributing factors.

These global developments are making the extension and maintenance of existing civil infrastructure ever more demanding. Planning and construction are increas­ingly complex, and the significance of natural hazards is growing.

The Master’s degree programme in Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems imparts solid disciplinary knowledge and trains its graduates to navigate effective methods and instruments. Students learn to apply and develop state-of-the-art methods and theories in varied, practice-oriented courses and exercises. This enables them to recognise and clarify demanding spatial and traffic planning issues and develop and deploy adequate solutions to them.

The drawing up socially responsible and sustainable solutions and the moderating of conflicts with regard to spatial use in the best possible way are only two of the varied interdisciplinary tasks which await graduates of this programme in their professional lives.


  • Spatial and Landscape Development
  • Transport Systems and Behaviour
  • Network Infrastructure

Language of instruction


Credits | duration

120 ECTS | 2 years

Academic title

Master of Science ETH in Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems

Qualifying disciplines (with application)

  • Architecture
  • Civil Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Geography
  • Geomatic Engineering and Planning
  • Geospatial Engineering
  • Landscape Design
  • Spatial Planning
  • Transport Sciences / Transport Systems


Regula Oertle
  • +41 44 633 22 79

ETH Zurich
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
HIL E 31.3
8093 Zurich