History of ETH Zurich: Leading the way since 1855
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Ever since it was first founded, ETH Zurich has been a driving force behind Swiss industry, whose innovative products and services are in demand worldwide.
A brief overview of more than 150 years of ETH Zurich history
Ever since it was founded under the name “Polytechnikum” back in 1855, ETH Zurich has been a national educational institution of international standing, attracting talent from all over the world.
The successful combination of cosmopolitanism and strong connections at national level transformed the fledgling educational institution into one of the driving forces behind Swiss industrialisation: it has brought the necessary expertise into the country, trained experts and helped develop future-oriented national infrastructures.
Find out more
- chevron_right ETH Zurich University Archives
- chevron_right Archivdatenbank Online (online archival database)
- chevron_right Schulratsprotokolle Online (online minutes of School Board meetings)
- chevron_right Einstein Online
- external page call_made e-manuscripta
- chevron_right Bildarchiv Online (online image archival database)
- chevron_right ETHistory 1855-2005
ETH Zurich
ETH LibraryETH Zurich University Archives
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zurich