Accessibility @ ETHZ
The probably most important prerequisite for achieving accessible teaching at ETH Zürich is the fullest possible availability of accessible digital teaching materials, content and platforms. Keep up to date on achievements and progress here.
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The majority of the current measures for the sustainable introduction of accessible teaching at ETH are embedded in the university-wide programme "Hindernisfreie ETH". Sub-project 13 "Barrierefreie Lehrmittel erstellen” (Creating accessible teaching materials), under the direction of Lehrentwicklung und -technologie (LET), is specifically dedicated to accessible teaching.
Accessible teaching at ETH Zurich
The mission of the sub-project is to sustainably ensure accessible teaching at ETH Zurich through digital means (e-accessibility) and thus to promote the inclusion and participation opportunities of people with disabilities (e-inclusion).
A prerequisite for this, in turn, is that any learning content is available digitally in the first place.
Where do measures to promote accessibility in teaching start?
Teaching aids and learning materials include not only textbooks, but also any informative content that is relevant to students' everyday lives. This includes all user interfaces of learning and information platforms, examination systems, teaching applications, document filing systems and their contents: Documents, scripts, hand-outs, presentations, but also learning videos and lecture recordings.
We closely follow the principles of universal design, which are specifically defined for digital content and user interfaces in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG by the W3C.

We closely follow the principles of universal design, which are specifically defined for digital content and user interfaces in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG by the W3C.
Implementing accessibility together
Accessibility of information and learning content on learning platforms, in scripts and in other documents cannot be implemented without the active assistance of all ETH members involved in the creation process. Procurement managers are encouraged to use accessible software and frameworks. Developers must ensure that their products can be operated using both keyboards and computer mice and that the content can be displayed as flexibly as possible. Content creators need to ensure that their content is well structured with rich explicit semantics so that it can be navigated efficiently and without additional barriers using screen readers.
Students with special needs
All of the project's efforts are aimed at making teaching fully accessible to students with sensory and motor disabilities as well as students with neurological special needs.
The term disability is to be understood very broadly in this context. Target groups are also, but not only, students with obvious disabilities such as blind people or people with severe motor impairments, but also those with non-visible limitations. For example, students with visual or hearing impairments, students with concentration or attention deficits. In addition, there are temporary restrictions due to accident or illness or due to external circumstances.
The concept of disability used here is based on external page the biopsychosocial model of disability (PDF, 220 KB, see p. 9ff) of the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health; WHO). Not only physical damage but also environmental conditions play a central role. According to this understanding, disability arises from the interaction of biological, psychological and social (environmental) factors.

Please note our article "Digitale Zugänglichkeit in der Bildung – eine Einordnung" in the HEST.PULSE Newsletter (german only)
Our approach - our strategy
To achieve the goal of comprehensive accessible teaching at ETH, we are following a three-step strategy: raising awareness of the topic among all ETH members, providing support for ETH members involved in the creation and provision of learning materials, and directly ensuring the accessibility of the digital teaching infrastructure.
In order to raise awareness of the need for accessibility at all levels of teaching and among all stakeholders involved in the creation of learning content, an essential part of the project is to raise awareness among all members of ETH Zurich. Without the active support and cooperation of all stakeholders, it will not be possible to achieve our goal. Various motivational campaigns are planned to initiate a sustainable cultural change. Innovation programmes and prizes on the topic are planned (see innovedum), campaign videos, articles, blog posts and input presentations as well as this information portal are part of it.
Accessibility is not only actively promoted in teaching at the LET, but also in the area of university communication. You will find many interesting contributions and articles on the topic there (german only).
We are convinced that we can trigger ETH-wide enthusiasm for the topic. E-accessibility is not only necessary and right, but also fun.
Of course, we not only demand, but also are ready to serve. LET offers support on all aspects that are relevant to the conversion to accessible teaching. The offer is being continuously expanded. On this information portal, we regularly inform you about new training offers, courses and workshops, counselling offers and direct services that support you in your efforts towards accessible teaching. This includes
- The choice of appropriate platforms in procurement
- The programming of platforms, websites and mobile apps
- The creation of accessible content in Moodle, on websites, PDFs, MS Office documents, etc.
- The choice of appropriate formats (HTML, EPUB3, PDF, MS Office, ...) and their preparation
- The preparation of non-text content (images) and multimedia/videos/audio/animations, etc.
- Presentations and events
A lot of help and further resources can also be found directly on this website.
Support services offered by the LET
Audio and video transcriptions
Finally, all teaching videos and recorded lectures should also be provided with qualitatively appropriate transcriptions for closed captions.
The majority of multimedia content published on the most important ETH video platforms will in future be provided fully automated with subtitles/captions. Transcriptions of a particularly high quality for videos with special coverage or other needs will be available as a service on request via this website.
In a joint study with the ICT Accessibility Lab at ZHAW, we compared 2021 service providers and software solutions for automatic creation of video and audio transcriptions. The results regarding transcription quality and, to some extent to price, can be found here below.
Central teaching applications
Central components of the ETH teaching infrastructure and teaching applications are being revised or redesigned across the board with the aim of ensuring accessibility. The following are currently in progress:
- The Learning Management System Moodle
- The teaching application eduApp
- The online examination tool Safe Exam Browser SEB
- The online e-book tool Polybook (which is especially suitable for the accessible presentation of mathematical formulae generated from LaTeX)
The ETHZ in international comparison
In an international comparison with American universities, ETH 2021 is still at the very beginning as far as accessible teaching is concerned.
In Europe, however, ETHZ has a great opportunity to take on a pioneering role and to set itself apart from other universities. Let us seize this opportunity together and use it successfully.
Abt. für Lehre und Lernen
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