

The ETH Competence Framework design uses the ETH Zurich house font (DIN Next). This typeface is used for the web, printed materials, applications, banners and flags. 

In certain applications intended for exchange between different systems (e.g., PowerPoint presentations), we revert to the system default font, Arial. We do not mix DIN Next and Arial fonts within the same application.

Licensing of the font

The DIN Next font requires a licence which is not automatically installed on every computer. If you visit the IT Shop, the ordering system for IT Services, you can order the font (for a fee) in the OpenType file format.

ETH may only pass on the font to printers for concrete print orders. Other partners must purchase their own licence for that typeface.

The use of the DIN Next webfont is assured if you utilise the correct ETH web templates and ETH domains, and is included in the existing webfont licences.


Dr. Michèle Gemünden
Teaching support

Curriculum and Faculty Development

Dr. Barbara La Cara
ETH Competence Framework

Rector's Staff
Strategic Initiatives