Events and Media Coverage
Since the launch of the ETH Air Travel Project in 2017, various events have taken place and internal and external reports have been published on the topic of reducing air travel emissions at ETH Zurich.
20 January 2020: Event "Forum on the ETH Air Travel Project"
At an event hosted by ETH Zurich, over 200 participants first learned about the psychological barriers and then discussed what choices individuals, as well as ETH as a whole, can make to change their behavior.
Recorded presentations:
- Presentation by Marcel Hunecke, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts: Download Nachhaltiges Verhalten aus Sicht der Umweltpsychologie (PDF, 5 MB) (in German)
- Presentation by Ulrich Weidmann and Susann Görlinger, ETH Zurich: Download Das Flugreisen-Projekt der ETH Zürich: Hintergrund & Status Quo (PDF, 1.8 MB) (in German)
- Recording of the event on the ETH video portal (in German)
Related reports:
- "Intern Aktuell" article from ETH Zurich on 24.01.2020: How can we fly less?
25 October 2017: Veranstaltung "CO2 reduction and air travel at ETH"
The former Mobility Platform organized an info event on the topic of "CO₂ reduction and air travel at ETH Zurich". It was hosted by Ulrich Weidmann, Vice President for Infrastructure (former Vice President for Human Resources) of ETH Zurich. Professors, researchers, staff and students were invited.
Recorded presentations:
- Presentation by Ulrich Weidmann, Vice President for Infrastructure, ETH Zurich: Download Introduction: Info event "CO2 reduction and air travel at ETH Zurich" (PDF, 485 KB)
- Presentation by Reto Knutti, Institute for Atmosphere and Climate, ETH Zurich: Download CO2 reduction and air travel at ETH Zurich: Some science background (PDF, 1.6 MB)
- Presentation by Corinne Le Quéré, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia: Download The Tyndall Travel Strategy (PDF, 840 KB)
- Presentation by Vincent Eckert, SwissRe: Download Air travel, a business necessity! (PDF, 604 KB)
- All presentations of the event in the ETH video portal
- Swiss Transport Club (VCS): external page University Climate Ranking 2023 und related external page press release (in German)
- ALLEA Report 2022: external page Towards Climate Sustainability of the Academic System in Europe and beyond
- Article in the SBB "via" on 05.07.2021: Download Zug oder Flug? (PDF, 216 KB) (in German)
- Presentation by Susann Görlinger, ETH Zurich, June 2021: Download Flight reduction ETH Zurich (PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Presentation by Susann Görlinger and Agnes Kreil, ETH Zurich, at a Green Bag Webinar of the University of St. Gallen, September 2020: external page Learning (not) to fly - Overcoming emotional barriers to low-carbon travel choices
- Article in the ETH Zurich "Globe" magazine, Nr. 4, 2020 (p. 30): Download Campus policies drive societal change (PDF, 7.4 MB)
- Article on on 09.08.2020: external page Weniger geschäftlich reisen findet Zustimmung (in German)
- Presentation by Susann Görlinger, ETH Zurich, at the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) Award 2020 on 14.05.2020: external page Cultural Change for Sustainability Finalist: ETHZ
- "Intern Aktuell"-Artikel from ETH Zurich on 05.08.2020: Flying less gets a thumbs-up
- "Intern Aktuell"-Artikel from ETH Zurich on 24.01.2020: How can we fly less?
- Report on an online conference at the Department of Physics (D-PHYS) of ETH Zurich on 30.01.2020: An international conference – online
- Article on SFR nano on 29.11.2019 (minute 6:35): external page Klima: Universitäten in der Schweiz wollen weniger Flugreisen (in German)
- Article on ORF on 09.02.2019: external page ETH Zürich: Forscher auf "Flugdiät" (in German)
- Interview with Ulrich Weidmann, ETH Zurich, in the SRF-Tagesschau on 21.01.2019: external page Klimaschutz - der Kluge reist im Zuge (in German)
- Presentation by Renate Schubert, ETH Zurich, on 10.12.2019: Download The true cost of flying (PDF, 689 KB)
- ETH News article on 22.01.2019: Responsible air travel
- Article in the ETH Zurich "Globe" magazine, Nr. 4, 2018 (p. 27): Download ETH strategy: responsible air travel (PDF, 3.7 MB)
- Article in Polykum, Association of ETH Zurich Students (VSETH), Nr. 2, 2017/2018 (p. 14): Download Doktorandenprüfungen via Skype-Call (PDF, 6.1 MB) (in German)
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Graphical illustration of ETH Zurich's Air Travel Project as part of the event on Jan. 20, 2020 (Lucia Fabiani / The Value Web)