ETH News
All stories by Corina Oertli
Drawing a picture of the Earth's surface

Jan Dirk Wegner uses artificial intelligence to research different aspects of the Earth's surface. In doing so, he hopes to help raise people's quality of life and protect the environment. His work has now earned him a place in the World Economic Forum's Young Scientists community.
Helping people with paraplegia walk again
Globe magazine

Walking despite paraplegia: at an event in the run-up to Cybathlon 2020, two teams consisting of students, researchers and people with disabilities show that it can be done. Highlights from the Cybathlon Experience.
The problem-solver
Globe magazine

Julia Wysling combines a flair for numbers with social engagement to help society progress. The mathematician and former VSETH president simulates and optimises pedestrian flows.
“I’m not a typical nerd”

As a doctoral student in Helsinki, Anna Maria Feit used algorithms to optimise the French keyboard. Now at ETH Zurich, she is researching how the user, the computer and the algorithm can work together to improve text entry.
Gold chains and patents

The ETH Alumni Association is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. Here we look back at the activities, accomplishments and evolution of what began as the association of former polytechnic students.
Science needs women

February 11th is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. ETH Rector Sarah Springman emphasizes the importance of women in scientific research.
Damage resilient nacre-like composites

ETH researchers from the Group for Complex Materials led by André R. Studart successfully replicated the structure of biological nacre at three length scales.