ETH News
All stories by Adrian Ritter
Unlocking the data treasure chest
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The LOOP Zurich research centre is creating a central platform for the exchange of health data between the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and the four university hospitals. This will allow data to be utilised quickly and easily to the benefit of patients.
Watching the metabolism at work

Researchers from ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich are taking magnetic resonance imaging a step further. With their new method, they can visualise metabolic processes in the body. Their objective is to improve the future diagnosis and treatment of heart disease.
“It's scarcely possible to grasp intuitively”

In November 1915, Albert Einstein presented the general theory of relativity. A symposium at ETH Zurich celebrates the 100th anniversary of this groundbreaking theory from 12 to 14 November.
Ten years of technology and economics

The Department of Management, Technology and Economics (D-MTEC) is celebrating its tenth anniversary. In both its research and teaching, the department explores the interfaces between technology and economics. Graduates with in-depth knowledge in these areas are in high demand on the labour market.